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Journey Of Me And My Seven Sisters

Chapter 61
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Cherished By Seven Sisters
Chapter 61 A Misunderstanding
Lincoln kept his silence.
+10 pearls
He was deliberately tarnishing Caylie’s reputation, kindling the crowd’s resentment toward her.
His reason? Was it of any importance?
Not in the slightest.
He didn’t even need to provide an explanation, unable to conjure one even if asked. Regardless, the outcome was just as he had
A spark of fury ignited in Emrys‘ eyes. He stepped forward, his voice laced with menace, “How dare you slander my sister? Do
you think I don’t dare to strike you?”
To his surprise, Lincoln intentionally patted his own face, goading, “Come on then, hit me as hard as you can. Let everyone see
just how crude the people of Apricot Hall are. With your violent temperament, who would dare to let you treat them?”
His words set the crowd buzzing.
“Apricot Hall resorts to violence when they can’t win an argument!”
“What a brute! And he runs a clinic? If you’re so fond of fighting, why not start a gang? Even Hendrik, the leader of Midas,
wouldn’t stand a chance against you.”
“When I was at Apricot Hall the last time, this young lad jumped out and caused a scene. He even slapped Dr. Faraday.”
“I was there too! It was him. He was the one delaying the treatment of that little girl. She was barely a year or two years old. How
could he be so cruel?”

“This is outrageous! Apricot Hall should be shut down!”

In no time, the tide of public opinion turned against Emrys.
The issue of the little girl particularly invoked the people’s sympathy, and the shared sentiment morphed into collective fury.
The power of public opinion could be terrifying.
Just their spit alone could drown Emrys.
Caylie tugged at Emrys with an ashen look on her face. “Perhaps we should close Apricot Hall for a while and lay low until this
blows over.”
She knew all too well the venomous nature of these people’s tongues and couldn’t bear to see Emrys being vilified.
11:21 Fri, 19 Janki
Chapter 61 A...
+10 pearls
However, Emrys shook his head with an icy look on his face. “Caylie, we cannot back down, not even a single step. If we do,
they will think we’re guilty, and Apricot Hall might even get destroyed.”
He, too, was seething with fury.
However, he was waiting for the truth to unveil itself, for everything to settle down.

Finally, a weak voice piped up from the crowd.
“You’re all lying! He is a good man! He saved my life.”
The crowd turned toward the direction of the voice.
It belonged to the little girl whom Lincoln had diagnosed with Heat Syndrome.
The woman cradling her stepped forward to come to Emrys‘ defense. “Nancy is right. Dr. Lund is a good man. If it weren’t for
him, Nancy would have died in the hands of that incompetent doctor, Lincoln Faraday.”

She pointed an accusatory finger at Lincoln furiously.
The crowd went into an uproar again.
What’s going on? Why have the accusations suddenly shifted toward Dr. Faraday?
Someone demanded, “Ma’am, please clarify. The one who delayed your daughter’s treatment the other day was this Lund
The woman shook her head. “No. That’s not it. Nancy had Cold Syndrome, not Heat Syndrome. It was this incompetent Dr.
Faraday who misdiagnosed.”
All eyes darted to Lincoln.
The others couldn’t help but wonder if they had misunderstood the situation.
The mother and daughter were the ones affected. Hence, it seemed unlikely they would cover for Emrys, the so–called murderer..

A bead of cold sweat trickled down Lincoln’s sideburn.
He had not anticipated that the woman would step forward at this moment.
Howeyer, he quickly composed himself. His mind raced at a swift pace, and he began to clap his hands, saying, “Brilliant, Caylie!
This move of yours is utterly brilliant!”
The crowd was confounded.
11, 17 Jall
Chapter 61 A...
+10 pearls
Caylie wore a puzzled expression on her face as well.
Lincoln continued, “Caylie, I know you have always held a grudge against me, so you lay a trap early on to tarnish my reputation.
This mother–and–daughter duo are merely actresses you
As Lincoln’s words fell, everyone’s eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“The other day at Apricot Hall, everyone saw how this girl was suffering from the heat. And yet, this woman has the audacity to
claim that her daughter was suffering from Cold Syndrome instead. Does she take all of us for fools?”