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Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 121
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Chapter 121 Sold Her

“What? You’re too greedy.” Daniel clenched his fists. Quentin’s words trampled his pride.

One Caroline was not enough, and he still needed Arya. Daniel listened to what Quentin said next and

fell silent.

“Anyway, those two have already left you. What are you not willing to do?”

Daniel gritted his teeth and his eyes filled with hatred.

“Alright, I agree to your conditions, but I want to meet you and talk to you.” Daniel knew that this

Quentin was very cunning. He didn’t want to lose any benefits.


Daniel hung up the phone. He heard footsteps outside. He hurriedly opened the door and saw Caroline

pouring water in the kitchen.

“You are awake?”

Daniel looked at her alertly. His tone was cold. “You…”

“Daniel? Didn’t you sleep? Did I wake you up? I’m a little thirsty.” Caroline was wearing the pajamas he

gave her. She looked gentle and lovely.

Daniel walked into the guest room with a cold face.

Caroline watched him leave and her eyes were filled with ruthlessness. She had heard him at the door

earlier. Although she did not know who Daniel was meeting with, she clearly heard Arya’s name.

The next day, Daniel disappeared for a day. He did not answer the phone.

Caroline secretly found a private detective to follow him. She found that he was meeting with Quentin

and had come to an agreement.

“Give me the agreement they signed. I will double the price for you.” Caroline felt that there was

something wrong.

That afternoon, she got a backup copy of the agreement between Quentin and Daniel. When she saw

the contents, she felt nauseous.

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She did not expect Daniel to be so focused on this.

Daniel sold her and Arya in order to train the company’s new employees. However, Quentin was not

that easy to fool.

In the future, Daniel would be under his control. All the female artists who had been signed by the

Brilliant Entertainment would probably walk the path of unwritten rules.

Caroline smiled coldly and hid the agreement.

She was not worried about her future at all. The Golden Spear Award and KB contract she was about

to get was her shield.

As for Arya, she would be sold by Daniel.

Everything she imagined was perfect and flawless.

As the media’s news brought the atmosphere of the Golden Spear Movie Festival to highest point, the

most important award ceremony was about to begin.

Arya, as the guest of honor, was waiting in the makeup room to enter.

Luna suddenly ran in with her phone.

“Arya, do you know who you will be walking the red carpet with in a while?”

Arya looked at her angry and unwilling expression and frowned. “Who?”

“Quentin, it is the old pervert who slept with Caroline. What should we do? Someone must have

secretly arranged this…” Luna felt disgusted when she thought about what he had done.

If Arya walked with him on the red carpet, the seats would definitely be arranged together. If she sat

with that person all night, it would be torture.

“I will discuss with the organizers!”

“No need.” Arya blinked and looked up at Luna. “I will protect myself.”

She found a pair of satin gloves from the wardrobe next to her and applied some small marks on her

wrist with honey powder and lipstick. It looked like she was allergic.

“You’re the smart one!”

Arya picked up her phone casually and saw the latest entertainment news. It was an interview with

Caroline outside.

“Miss Caroline, I heard that you’ve already received the KB Economic Company’s three-year contract.

What do you think?”

“Miss Caroline, you are one of the nominees for the Best Female Lead of Golden Spear tonight. Do you

think you will win the award?”

Caroline smiled proudly in front of the camera. “I am just doing my best to put on a good show.

Everything else has a lot of luck. There are many more excellent actors than me. For example, Arya,

who was in the Brilliant Entertainment before.”

“But Arya did not get any nomination for any awards this time. Does it prove that you are stronger than


Caroline did not answer this question directly. Instead, she smiled and said. “In the past, Arya and I

were very good friends. She helped me a lot. In the future, I also hope that she can develop better.”

It seemed that she was really a gentle and magnanimous woman.

When Luna heard these few words, she was so angry that she couldn’t breathe. “How shameless! Who

was the one who interrupted us back then? She still says these hypocritical words now.”

The reporters knew what she said was not true. But the entertainment industry was like this. The

reporters needed to talk about it. Caroline just happened to make use of this point. Now that her value

has doubled, if she gets the award tonight, she will be even more arrogant.

This industry was constantly changing. Caroline’s previous dirt would be covered up by the glory of

winning the award.

But the premise was that she had to win Best Female Lead award tonight.

Arya no longer paid attention to the news and comforted Luna. “Don’t worry about her. We should wait

and watch.”

Luna saw how calm she was and nodded heavily. “Arya, do your best!”

This was the first time Arya had made a public appearance after experiencing those rumors. After the

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reporters interviewed Caroline, they would definitely come and make things difficult for Arya. In

addition, her red carpet partner tonight was actually Quentin.

It was as if heavens were going against Arya.

However, Arya knew better than anyone else that she had come to this step today not because of any

dirts or unspoken rules.

The suffering she suffered and the tears she shed would become a solid foundation in the future. Even

if Caroline discredited her, she would not be afraid.

On the other side, Allen also received the news that Arya would walk the red carpet with Quentin. His

cold eyes darkened a little.

“Keep an eye on him. If he doesn’t behave behind his back, attack immediately!”

“Yes, CEO.”

Allen watched the live broadcast on TV. Arya slowly got off the car in her evening dress. Her smile was

beautiful and gentle. The delicate diamond necklace complemented her white skin. However, she had a

pair of satin gloves on her hands.

Next to her stood a middle-aged man in a gray suit. When he wanted to approach Arya, he revealed a

troubled expression.

Allen smiled. It seemed that his smart wife had found a way to deal with this.

Arya smiled generously and chatted politely with the reporters. Suddenly, three to five reporters rushed

forward and raised mic to shout.

“Do you think Miss Caroline will be the winner of tonight’s Golden Spear female lead?”

“She has signed the KB contract. Will you continue to stay in Brilliant Entertainment and win Daniel

Parker’s heart?”

Quentin smiled wickedly at the side. He was prepared to see Arya embarrass herself. He waited for

Arya to ask him for help.

The reporters’ questions were more and more tricky, but the smile on Arya’s face did not diminish at all.

She calmly looked at the reporters.

“I am the guest of honor invited to the award ceremony tonight. Every nominated actor is very capable.

I think this question also gives the judges a headache. You guys should ask Mr. Quentin!”