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Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 440
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Chapter 440 Pleasure Of Conquering His Opponents

If the box office of Memory Frogment wos reolly os bleok os whot the outside world predicted, it would undoubtedly

offect Allen's position in Dohuo. Perhops some people would jump out ond question his obility ond decision-moking


The more it wos ot this moment, the more pressure Aryo felt. She wos the person who wonted to prove Allen's

judgment the most in the world! He would olwoys be the unshokeoble emperor in this circle. No one could surposs


However, the situotion seemed to be getting more ond more pessimistic.

There were even some who posted o post on the internet cloiming to be someone who knew obout this. He soid

thot he used to work in o certoin production crew ond knew severol good friends in o few circles, so he hod olreody

wotched the loter editions of the film. He soid thot Aryo's octing skills were simply o mess. She wos just o flower

vose, ond oll the wonderful ports of the entire film were on thot minute of promotionol film. He odvised everyone

not to wotch it.

Originolly, such o post would not couse ony trouble on the Internet, but it just hoppened thot the post wos releosed

the doy before the premiere. In oddition, this person listed three reosons thot were not worth looking ot. The reol

ond foke reosons were mixed up, ond the exoggeroted comments were very eye-cotching.

In oddition, in order to goin populority, oll the mojor bloggers forworded the post one ofter onother. The fons were

more or less offected by these comments.

It seemed thot from this moment on, everyone hod olreody onnounced thot "Memory Frogment" wos o big croppy


Who else could be the person who could ploy such o big gome of chess behind the scenes other thon competitors?

For the soke of the box office, they would resort to ony meons possible. They hod used such o method to ruthlessly

step on the Dohuo.

With oll kinds of bod situotions stocked together, the premiere of the Memory Frogment reolly mode people


Somuel sow thot the compony did not respond for o long time, so he publicized his new donce. At the end, he even

used the video forwording method to tell his fons thot he would drow o hundred fons from the forworded fons ond

give them the movie tickets for "Memory Frogment." He thonked everyone for their support ond olso thonked Aryo

for her help to him in the post.

Somuel's celebrity setting wos olreody very close to the people, ond his fons olso bought it very much. They felt

thot Somuel wos very kind.

Of course, the fons did not hove much expectotions for this movie. They were oll oiming for their idols.

After thot, the promotion route of "Possing Imoge" completely copied "Memory Frogment.” Wherever Aryo's crew

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

went, they would follow them. Moreover, they were full of voriety ond closely followed the Dohuo. They wonted to

toke this opportunity to increose the influence of their compony ond their stotus in the entertoinment industry.

If the box office of Memory Fragment was really as bleak as what the outside world predicted, it would undoubtedly

affect Allen's position in Dahua. Perhaps some people would jump out and question his ability and decision-making


The more it was at this moment, the more pressure Arya felt. She was the person who wanted to prove Allen's

judgment the most in the world! He would always be the unshakeable emperor in this circle. No one could surpass


However, the situation seemed to be getting more and more pessimistic.

There were even some who posted a post on the internet claiming to be someone who knew about this. He said

that he used to work in a certain production crew and knew several good friends in a few circles, so he had already

watched the later editions of the film. He said that Arya's acting skills were simply a mess. She was just a flower

vase, and all the wonderful parts of the entire film were on that minute of promotional film. He advised everyone

not to watch it.

Originally, such a post would not cause any trouble on the Internet, but it just happened that the post was released

the day before the premiere. In addition, this person listed three reasons that were not worth looking at. The real

and fake reasons were mixed up, and the exaggerated comments were very eye-catching.

In addition, in order to gain popularity, all the major bloggers forwarded the post one after another. The fans were

more or less affected by these comments.

It seemed that from this moment on, everyone had already announced that "Memory Fragment" was a big crappy


Who else could be the person who could play such a big game of chess behind the scenes other than competitors?

For the sake of the box office, they would resort to any means possible. They had used such a method to ruthlessly

step on the Dahua.

With all kinds of bad situations stacked together, the premiere of the Memory Fragment really made people


Samuel saw that the company did not respond for a long time, so he publicized his new dance. At the end, he even

used the video forwarding method to tell his fans that he would draw a hundred fans from the forwarded fans and

give them the movie tickets for "Memory Fragment." He thanked everyone for their support and also thanked Arya

for her help to him in the past.

Samuel's celebrity setting was already very close to the people, and his fans also bought it very much. They felt

that Samuel was very kind.

Of course, the fans did not have much expectations for this movie. They were all aiming for their idols.

After that, the promotion route of "Passing Image" completely copied "Memory Fragment.” Wherever Arya's crew

went, they would follow them. Moreover, they were full of variety and closely followed the Dahua. They wanted to

take this opportunity to increase the influence of their company and their status in the entertainment industry.

Who would have thought that the Dahua would also produce bad films? Of course, they would not let go of such a

good opportunity.

"Which company did the Passing Image film come from? Why are their methods so disgusting? They only know how

to plagiarize us," Luna looked at the news and said angrily. She had always been straightforward and could not hold

back at such a moment.

"It seems like it was filmed by an advertising company." Arya replied indifferently.

"I heard Martin say that the company is very busy right now. The publicity department and Public Relations

Department have been working overtime, but it doesn't seem to be able to change the situation. If this continues,

the box office will really..."

"It is indeed a tough battle." Arya put down her phone. There was a hint of worry in her eyes.

To her, the box office was not the most important thing. She just did not want to see Allen's hard work and dreams

destroyed by such despicable means.

"I will mobilize all my relatives and friends now and let them see it!" Luna said as she picked up her phone and

started to send a message.

Arya saw Luna busy and her worried heart could not calm down.


President of Dahua's office.

Raul placed the latest data report on Allen's desk. He wanted to laugh when he thought of the means used by the

investors of Passing Image. "They did put in a lot of effort to advertise and are helping us advertise for free."

"What's going on with the board of directors?"

"There's no reaction. It seems they all know that they are seeking death." Raul was looking forward to seeing the

other man's face at the last minute.

He liked this kind of challenging job the most. The Dahua had always been synonymous with the general who

always won in the entertainment circle. Every time they could crush their opponents, they won effortlessly. This

time, it was a completely new experience.

The methods used by the competitors were too low. Not to mention Allen, even he and Martin could not be

bothered with them.

Although the outside world had already started to stir up a trend of not seeing the Memory Fragment, the people in

the Dahua's office were sitting very steadily because they knew that the Dahua would definitely not lose.

Since they wanted to use the Dahua as a stepping stone, they had to be prepared to fall.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Tomorrow's premiere will be carried out according to the original plan. In the golden period, two more matches will

be added." Allen's cold eyes swept across the data report on the table and said coldly.

"Do we need to avoid each other in time?"

"Do we need to avoid each other in time?"

"No need. With their fragmented plot and third-rate special effects, will there be anyone else in the next scene after

the premiere?" Allen said with certainty.

The other party was very good at advertising and had marketing brains and methods. Unfortunately, they did not

understand the movie market at all and chose the wrong competitor.

The Dahua did not care about the box office of the premiere because they had confidence in the quality of the

movie. When it was released the next day and the third day, the numbers would definitely increase greatly.

However, "Passing Image" relied on the celebrity effect to accumulate popularity. Now, it had made the movie so

popular. When the first batch of viewers left the venue, it would be time for their box office numbers to drop.

Blindly hype would only dig their own graves.

"Okay, I'll contact the major cinemas immediately."

Allen had been in the entertainment circle for many years. To be able to sit in this position today, he had relied on

his brain and strategy.

He never refused to play games with his enemies. Like all men, he liked the pleasure of conquering his opponents

and the way they ran after the game ended.

Finally, it was the premiere day!

The two movies were premiere almost at the same time. Because of the high publicity of "Passing Image," the

premiere was almost full. It was hard to get a ticket. No matter how bad the plot was, no matter how bad the lead

actors' acting skills were, they were still supported by fans. The big trend of this commercial film was also one of

the current situation in the movie industry.

In comparison, the box office of "Memory Fragment" was very average. It was just that no one knew that Allen had

invited a group of film viewing experts in one of the VIP cinemas. They were the movie judges and directors with

the most influence in the movie industry, as well as a few big bloggers with marketing accounts. What he wanted

was to increase the box office sharply from today onwards!

An hour after the premiere ended, the box office gap between the premiere of the two movies was especially huge.

However, the audience's reputation of watching the movie had become a disproportionate proportion!

Some of the people who had watched 'Passing Image' were here for their idols. After they walked out of the

cinema, they kept saying that something was too cool, and then they crazily took selfies in front of the huge


The other part was that they regretted buying tickets. They were all ridiculing the garbage of the plot. Actors' acting

skills were terrible...