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Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78 Are You Trying to Temp Me?

Arya had no intension of replying. She deleted the message and put the phone aside.

Luna looked at Julia and they both clapped simultaneously.

“Arya, we idolize you!”

“How are you able to act so calmly at that moment? I would have made Caroline admit her audition

video was a fake in order to expose her. But you didn’t …” Julia said with emotion.

There have been many celebrities that were too impulsive but Arya’s choice was prudent. She not only

preserved the opportunity to film but was able to get Davina compromise while paving a way for her

future comeback. Everything was now within her reach.

Women that had beauty and were intelligent like Arya were rare to find.

“Today is a joyful day. For the many years I’ve been with the company, I’ve never like the way how they

were so hypocritical, saying one thing to your face and doing another behind your back. When I think of

Davina’s reaction today, I think I’ll be laughing in my dreams.”

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Julian nodded in agreement, “Me too.”

She now completely stood by Arya and was ecstatic on her victory. “Next is tomorrow’s filming.”

Arya’s ability was evidently there, whereas, Caroline was an amateur with no chance of succeeding.

Luna browsed through the net and frowned, “Looks like Davina have arranged her team to hype


The forums were filled with overwhelming posts made by trolls paid by Brilliant Entertainment. A lot of

the discussions were more favorable towards Caroline and started to question Arya.

“Arya and Caroline are filming a reality show together? This is messed up! So the retired actress is

making use of the mistress’s popularity.”

“Caroline is the top star in Brilliant Entertainment. She had all the connections, Arya cannot compare to

her. Caroline must have felt sorry for Arya and decided to allow her to join the show.”

“Support Caroline!”

Arya glanced a few of them before turning her gaze away.

“It’s not only a hype. Brilliant Entertainment even made the show’s draft public. It makes Caroline out to

be a fairy descending from the heavens.” Julia sulked, “Should we retaliate?”

“We’ll see what happens.” Arya put down the supplementary agreement and was engrossed in thought.

When the car stopped at the manor, she raised her head and saw Allen standing on the second floor

balcony. His eyes were bright as the stars as he watched her.

“Julia, let’s head back to our rooms.” Luna signaled a wink to Julia and dragged her away.

Allen walked over to Arya as she as she changed her shoes.

“Are you tired?”

He gently stroked Arya’s hair, “I had the staff prepare some fish soup for you, it’s in our room. They also

prepared their too, don’t worry.”

He took Arya’s hand in his and led her into their bedroom.

Arya looked at his broad back and immediately all uneasiness in her heart just disappeared.

“Allen, you …”

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“I missed you.”

He turned around and embraced her tightly. He then kissed her passionately. After a while he

reluctantly released her.

“Director Jones, are you trying to temp me with the fish soup?”


He admitted and rested his head on Arya’s shoulder, breathing in her perfume. He pulled her towards

an area near the window.

Seeing their supper on the small table, Arya leaned on his chest and grinned happily.

“Let’s eat first, then we’ll talk after.”

Allen ladled the fish soup in her bowl and placed the bowl in front of her. He then sat down, crossing his

legs. He gazed at his wife warmly and asked, “Are you not going to consider terminating the contract

with Brilliant Entertainment?”

Arya gawked, she knew what Allen was trying to say. Even if he is the most powerful person in the

industry, there was some things he couldn’t do. He couldn’t protect her completely as long as she was

still under contract with Brilliant Entertainment. Unfortunately, that is how it is.

“You don’t believe that I can get even?” Arya pouted at him deliberately.