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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1320
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Chapter 1320

"It seems that you've seen some of Tyler's tricks," Harvey commented.

Noah smiled and replied, "I don't think you took the trouble of driving me home just to inquire about Tyler's tricks,

did you?"

Harvey's gaze deepened slightly.

Yes, he only offered to send Noah home as an excuse to pry for more information. What surprised him was that

Noah, who appeared carefree and immature in his quarrels, was actually astute and not to be underestimated.

Nonetheless, it made sense. As a scion of a prominent family, Noah would not have survived if he was empty-


In the dim light, the scenery outside the window rushed past. The street lamps painted scattered patterns of light

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and shadow inside the car.

"Do you think Tyler's really lost his memory?" Harvey asked.

For a moment, Noah's hand stilled, and he nonchalantly deflected the question. "What do you think, Harvey?"

"From his behavior today, it doesn’t seem very likely," Harvey replied.

"In that case, do you think Vicky knows?" Noah asked.

Harvey fell silent.

Vicky had known Tyler the longest, having been each other’s first love, so Vicky would not be oblivious to things that

even outsiders noticed. This meant that she merely did not expose Tyler by choice.

Still petting the cat, Noah continued, "According to Jennifer and Cece, Vicky's been in a particularly bad state lately

and has been absent-minded. From what I gathered, it seems like she wants to distance herself from Tyler. On

Cece's birthday, you were sitting beside Vicky all the time, right? You must've noticed it, too. Today, she brought

Tyler along with her, which means she intends to stay with him."

He lifted his head, feeling somewhat nostalgic. "Whether Tyler has amnesia or not, she's accepted their marriage as

it is. Although Tyler is a bit mad, stubborn, and twisted, you have to admit he's willing to go to great lengths for a


"While he may have lacked charm, his methods are ruthless. He dares to use his own life and health to threaten

Vicky time and time again. No woman can escape his grasp. You and I fancy ourselves the humorous and charming

type that women like, but look at us. Tyler has been married for years, and we're still single. I guess you can't just

judge a person by their appearance." Noah sighed. "To be honest, I'm almost tempted to ask Tyler for some advice.

Too bad he's still holding a grudge from back then and always tries to torment me every time he sees me."

Lowering his head, Noah affectionately stroked the black cat in his arms. "I'm impressed by him, to be honest.

Despite knowing that this little cutie is a trap, I couldn't resist accepting it. Who wouldn’t be enchanted by such an

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adorable little cat? It can fight, act cute, and understand human nature. How can anyone resist it?"

Harvey chuckled softly. "You're quite easy to win over."

Noah shook his head. "Over the years, many people have given me cats as gifts, but I'm quite sentimental. I have

enough cats at home, and I don't want to bring in new ones. When Tyler tried to give me a cat today, I considered

refusing it, but who would've thought..."

Noah's expression turned triumphant. "My cat defeated Aurora's cat. That felt great!"

Aurora, who refused to return his cat, was getting on his last nerve.

Harvey felt that Noah could sometimes be extremely perceptive yet be unreliable occasionally.

He tapped his finger against the steering wheel and asked thoughtfully, "Do you really think that Tyler hasn't lost his


Noah narrowed his eyes in silence.

"Don't you think there's something odd about Tyler?" Harvey continued.

"Seems to me that you've managed to find some things that others don't know, Mister Sparks," commented Noah.

The conversation between wise individuals was often smooth and efficient.