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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1655
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Chapter 1655

Mister and Missus Wade, who appeared to be in their early forties, were fluent in multiple languages.

"Mister Hart is quite thoughtful," Missus Wade remarked upon overhearing Vicky and Tyler's conversation.

Vicky smiled politely in response but did not say much.

The restaurant's ambiance was pleasant, and the food was exceptional.

Since they were here, they had to try the restaurant's specialty dishes. Each specialty dish was served individually

to keep up the pleasant atmosphere.

As the dishes arrived, the group engaged in casual conversation while enjoying their meal. The restaurant lived up

to its reputation, and every dish was delicious.

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Vicky spotted a vegetable dish with a texture she liked but did not have it on her plate.

Suddenly, Tyler placed a portion of it on her plate, and she turned to shoot him a puzzled look.

"Eat more. If you eat so little at every meal, it would look like I'm mistreating you," he said.

Vicky hesitated for a moment and grew slightly uneasy, but she did not refuse Tyler's kindness.

Just then, Tyler's phone rang. He glanced at his phone and

said, "Excuse me for a moment."

With that, he got up to answer the call in a quieter area.

Once Tyler left, Mister Wade smiled at Vicky. "Ms. Shaw, Mister Hart takes great care of you. I’ve known him for

many years, but I've never seen him so devoted to any woman before."

While his words were said partially to flatter Vicky, they caught Vicky's attention. "How long have you two known

each other?"

She knew nothing about Tyler's life over the past four years except that Avery had been by his side. She was curious

about what happened, how he gained control of the Hart family's power, and how he had been living within the Hart


Mister Wade considered her question for a moment. "It's been almost four years, I believe."

"Four years?"

Mister Wade nodded. "The first time I met Mister Hart was at the Hart family's estate. I was invited by Old Mister

Hart to stay with them for a while. When I first saw Mister Hart, he was just an unknown member of the Hart family.

"At that time, many ridiculed him and even intentionally insulted him at banquets. I thought he was an illegitimate

child of the Hart family, which was why he was so unwelcome. Some of the hurtful things I heard were hard to

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bear, even for me. I was only there for a short time, but I encountered him several times, and he lived in that

environment every day. There were times when I thought it was too much, but he always remained composed,

unruffled by the storms around him. That's when I realized he was no ordinary person." There was a touch of

admiration in Mister Wade's tone. "I never expected that he'd achieve what he has."

Mister Wade recounted some of Tyler's remarkable business achievements, and his words were filled with

admiration and respect for him.

Vicky remained silent for a long while.

Compared to her first return to the Hart family, Tyler's situation seemed better. However, with the Hart family and

Tyler's biological parents' evident disdain for him, along with Old Mister Hart's pursuit of self-interest, Tyler's life was

probably far from comfortable.

Mister Wade smiled at Vicky. "Over the years, Mister Hart has been busy with work and rarely involved in any

scandals. There haven't been many women around him. Seeing you here with him today surprised us all. He has

never brought any woman to a business meeting before; you're the first."