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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1687
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Chapter 1687

As instructed, they followed Vicky when she left home.

When Tyler's men saw her heading to the hospital and registering at the gynecology department, they began to feel

something was amiss.

After conducting a thorough investigation, they discovered she was there for an abortion procedure. While they did

not know whose child it was, this was a significant matter as there was a chance she was carrying Tyler's child.

Tyler's expression hardened. "Which hospital?"

After ending the call, Tyler did not even bother to address Old Mister Hart and stormed off.

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Vicky felt weak. Even if she wanted to terminate the pregnancy, she had to wait until her physical condition

improved before the doctors could perform the procedure.

She spent about a week at home, focusing on recuperating and contemplating whether to keep the child.

In the end, she decided against it. Even if she could not become a mother in the future, she could not bring a child

into the world just for her selfish desires. After all, she knew better than anyone what it felt like to be in a situation

where she had no control over her life.

After arriving at the hospital, Vicky registered and underwent a series of examinations, after which the surgery was

scheduled. While waiting outside, she felt as if she were in a daze.

She did not know how much time had passed when a nurse called her name. "Ms. Shaw, you can go into the

operating room now."

Vicky snapped back to reality and realized her back was soaked in cold sweat.

Concerned, the nurse said, "Ms. Shaw, are you okay? If you're feeling unwell, we can reschedule for another day."

"I'm fine," Vicky managed a faint smile. "Let's proceed today. R

Seeing her determination, the nurse did not press further." Alright."

Vicky soon entered the operating room.

The light in the room was cold, and there were only two doctors and one nurse present.

After preparing the anesthesia, the doctor approached Vicky once more. "Ms. Shaw, are you absolutely certain

about the procedure?"

These doctors had encountered numerous cases of patients having last-minute doubts, so they always

doublechecked before proceeding with surgery.

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Vicky closed her eyes and fell silent for a few seconds before nodding slightly. Her body tensed, and her heart sank

as her blood ran cold.

Seeing her confirmation, the doctor was about to administer the anesthesia when a deafening noise came from the



The door shook for several moments afterward. Not only did it startle Vicky, but even the doctor, who was taken off

guard, dropped the syringe he was holding.

The nurse quickly intervened. "Sir, this is the operating room. You can't come in-"