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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1722
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Chapter 1722

Vicky remained calm even when it seemed like Tyler was about to lose control. There was barely a hint of emotion

on her face.

The tables had turned. Vicky could still remember how, just a few years ago, she was the one hysterically asking

him why he treated her so cruelly as he remained indifferent.

Vicky did not do this out of revenge; she genuinely could not feel anything. Even she herself did not know how she

could stay so calm.

Maybe she decided to not pin any hope on him ever since the wedding. Perhaps it was when she decided to

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terminate her pregnancy, or when she found out about his plans with Aria. Regardless, it did not matter anymore.

She could not bother herself with the past anymore. She did not even want to waste her brainpower thinking

whether Tyler would let her go and give her her freedom back after she gave birth to the baby.

'What's the point of thinking all that?' she told herself. 'No one can be sure of what'll happen in the future.'

Tyler started hyperventilating when she remained silent. A wave of coldness washed over his being.

"Why?" he asked stubbornly, thinking that this would give him an answer. It was as if he could continue to lie to

himself as long as she did not give him a reason.

"I'm tired," said Vicky finally. The exhaustion on her face was genuine. ’I'm sorry, but I really don't have the energy

to do this right now."

She could tell Tyler wanted to get back together with her and that he still had some feelings for her. It would be

wonderful if the baby had a complete family, but she was just too tired.

Time could change many things, but she had lost her strength and courage from her younger days. It was obvious

Vicky had changed, and Tyler knew this too. After all, he had known her for so many years.

Vicky used to be the type to put a clear line between the people she loved and hated, so it was quite jarring for him

to see her so calm. It was as if love and hate did not matter to her anymore. It was as if all the sadness, all the

happiness, all the love, and all the hate...were gone from her life.

She simply felt nothing toward him.

Tyler could accept Vicky not loving him. After all, he had prepared himself for this for many years. His thinking

went,' If she doesn't love me, I might as well make her hate me. That way, she'll never forget about me.'

Tyler could be equated to school boys who would pull on the girls' pigtails not to make them hate him, but because

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he wanted to get their attention and to let them know of his existence.

He did not want Vicky to forget him, nor did he want her to look at him like how she looked at him then—like he was

a boy throwing a tantrum.

Tyler suddenly pulled her into an embrace.

She was warm and petite. He breathed in her familiar scent as malicious, destructive thoughts involuntarily surged

from his heart.

He was never going to let her go, not even after she had given birth. He never planned to let her go from the very


He lied to her because he wanted to use the baby as a bargaining chip to make her stay.

Of course, that was what his mind said, but his heart was in utter chaos and sheer pain.

The coldness flowed out of the hole in his heart, suffocating him as though he was drowning in the sea.