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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1739
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Chapter 1739

Vicky's eyes were fixed on Tyler's tall, imposing figure. He stood amid the raging storm, unmoving.

On the ship, Lincoln watched as his subordinates fell around him. This did not faze him, and he even smiled slightly.

"You know your way with guns, no doubt," he remarked, looking at the gun pointed at him. "But you're out of bullets

now, aren't you?"

Tyler's gaze darkened, but he did not say a word.

"I kidnapped the woman you care about the most. Given your personality, you would've shot me the moment you

saw me if you had any bullets left. You didn't," Lincoln continued.

Tyler had always been a decisive person who did not hesitate, so his failure to shoot Lincoln indicated he ran out of

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Lincoln smugly waved the gun in his hand. "You're out of bullets, but I'm not." He released the safety and alternated

the aim of the gun between Tyler and the speedboat. He chuckled softly and said, "Tell me: Should I kill you or Vicky


Without waiting for Tyler's answer, Lincoln continued, "You ruined the Hart family, and the shares I held are now

worthless. You didn't try to retrieve those shares from me because you were waiting for this moment, weren't you?

I thought I outsmarted you, but it was all in vain. I have nothing now, and there's no chance for me to rise again.

"That's right, you've outwitted me, and I truly have nothing left. But..."

Lincoln's smile took on an eerie appearance. "You'll soon lose everything too.

"No, let me correct myself. You've never gained anything to begin with. The Harts only care about their interests,

not their children. You have nothing to lose, unlike me."

Tyler had run out of bullets. In an attempt to stall, he said," You had plenty. You just got greedy."

"Did I?" Lincoln smiled bitterly. "Are you referring to the love from our family? Do you really think they care for me?

Being raised by someone as selfish as Old Mister Hart, how exactly did you think his children would grow up to be?

They’re only good to me because my obedience satisfied their love for control. They hate you because you're

rebellious, and that's it! They don't need a son; they need someone who will do as they say. They never cared about

me either. If they really cared about me, they wouldn't have allowed my biological parents to die."

Valencia and Orion liked the feeling of exclusive possession and nothing more. If they truly cared about him, they

would not have disregarded his feelings and killed his biological parents.

Tyler listened silently. He no longer had any feelings for the Hart family nor for his biological parents.

"However..." Lincoln suddenly changed the subject. "You made me lose everything and left me utterly defeated. In

return, you should lose everything just like me, don't you think?" He shifted the gun's aim toward the direction of

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the speedboat and smirked. "There shouldn't be anything more painful than losing the person you love the most,


With that, Lincoln pulled the trigger without hesitation.


Just as he fired, Tyler, who saw through Lincoln's intentions, lunged forward to grab the gun from him.

The shot veered slightly off course due to Tyler's interference, narrowly missing Vicky.

However, Lincoln was no ordinary man and reacted quickly to take a few steps back to evade Tyler.

Tyler swiftly closed the distance and tried to wrest the gun away. Lincoln had experienced Tyler's close combat skills

and knew he had no chance if the gun was taken from him.

Unable to shake Tyler off, Lincoln narrowed his eyes coldly and tossed the gun into the sea.