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Married My Ex's Alpha Uncle by Aurora Starling

Chapter 159
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Silver's POV "How did you know?" I whispered, still not believing that Erik believed me.

He had unlocked the cell door and uncuffed me. I sat curled up on the ground and he was cross-legged in front oflike we were any two friends. He sat in my cell with me, his back against the cold metal bars. He said he dared anyone to try and get him out of the cell; they would have to drag him out kicking and screaming, which evidently, madesmile.

"Because you were the only one who knew that I was gay," he told me, his brows furrowed. "Unless you told everyone and their mother. Nobody else knew." "I was the only one you told?" I asked, dumbfounded.

He nodded.

"I never felt comfortable telling anyone else," he said, shrugging. "You were venting about sstuff, and I figured it was tthat I opened up aboutas well. It was only fair." "I don't know what to say...." "You don't have to say anything. The important thing is you are who you say you are. So, what the fuck happened?" "I told you guys the truth. I don't remember anything. My memory is gone. Whoever took me, must have done something. But I remembered seeing a face standing above me. He toldthat he was going to prove that Elliot didn't really love me. That he would throwto the wolves the second he got the chance." I pressed my knees against my chest and buried my face in my lap as tears burned in my eyes.

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"I guess he was being truthful because he did throwto the wolves..." I murmured.

"I think he was just confused," Erik said, sighing deeply. "This whole thing was weird from the beginning. But you said you saw someone standing above you; do you know what he looked like?" I thought about it for a moment.

"His eyes were like mine," I whispered, not sure if I was remembering correctly, or if I was looking at a reflection. He looked way too much likethat it gavethe creeps.

Erik paled and then he nodded, but he didn't look surprised.

"That was your brother," he muttered.

"My what??" I gasped; not sure I heard him correctly.

"We found out that you have a twin brother. You were separated at birth because of your abilities. There was a hit on you and your family after Elliot's sister prophesized your birth and future. Apparently, you have terrifying powers and will cause disaster in our world," Erik explained, shrugging as if he thought it was nothing but crap.

My cheeks burned from his words.

Terrifying powers? Does he mean when I turn into that monster during the full moon? The fact that I could see scents and I becskind of creature of the night? I wanted the ground to open and swallowwhole.

Tears burned in my eyes.

"Hey, no crying," Erik said, scooting over toand wrappingin his arms. It was comforting, but they weren't the arms that I wanted. I wished Eliot was here, but theret was no way he would believe any of this. Not like Erik. I don't expect Erik to cout to the Alpha to protect me. I wouldn't ask him to do such a thing. "We are going to figure this out." "How does she have my face?" I asked, shaking my head in confusion. "It doesn't make any sense." Before he could answer that question, the door burst open and Elliot ran into the room, followed by Luca and Beta Leo. Erik quickly dropped his arms from aroundand took a protective stance in front of me. "Step aside, Gamma," Elliot said through his teeth.

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"Not until I know you won't hurt her," Erik said firmly, his tone growly. I had never heard him sound like this m before. My heart quickly beat in my chest when I saw Elliot's nostrils flare. He was furious. "I would never," he hissed. My brows furrowed.

He wouldn't? But according to him, I was nothing more than a dirty rogue...

Erik glared at him for a moment longer, but his posture loosened After a moment the nodded and to my utter shock, he stepped away from me, lettingbe vulnerable and fight Elliot on my own. My heart slammed into my stomach, Erik was sellingout.

This was all selaborate prank. He never believed me. I was truly alone...

The doors of the cell opened, and Elliot strolled in. I ducked my head, waiting for the blow, whether from his fists or from his cruel words. But what I didn't expect was his arms to be wrapped aroundand his lips to crash into mine as he heatedly kissed me.