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Married My Ex's Alpha Uncle by Aurora Starling

Chapter 174
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Elliot's POV I already had a feeling that her brother was after me. But the question still remained as to why. I didn't understand what I did personally to him or these rogues. But I had a feeling Silver did know, and she was hesitant to tell me.

"Hey," I said, taking her arms and pulling her back towards the bed so I could hold her. Her face was pale, and she had tears in her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me, not ever wanting to let this woman go. "Tellwhat it is he wants withand my sister." "He wants to get revenge, Elliot. Your father is the reason his adoptive mother is dead. We were separated at birth because of your sister's prophecy," she explained.

I furrowed my brows together. I was very little at the tof her prophecy, so I don't remember much of what happened back then. But I do remember them hunting down the child my sister saw in her prophecy. I'm not sure what happened after that though; it seemed like the case got dropped. My father never brought it up again and I never bothered to ask.

"When she had that prophecy, my birth mother panicked and switchedwith another baby at the hospital," she explained, much to my surprise. "There weren't any boys born at the tso she couldn't switch my brother. But she took someone else's baby; the Alphas..." My heart hammered in my chest with each word that she spoke. Could it be true that her mother switched her with the Alpha's baby to protect her? Then, what did that mean for the Alpha's baby? What happened to her? "They didn't know what to do with my brother, so they left him in a cave. Thinking it would be better for him than the certain death that was waiting around the corner. Afterward, they took Alpha's baby and jumped off a cliff. Later, they were found, and it was assumed that the baby they were holding when they died was the baby your sister prophesized about." "They sacrificed the Alpha's baby?" I asked, dumbfounded.

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Tears filled her eyes as she stared at her hands.

"Yes," she whispered. "It should have been me..." "No," I said firmly, grasping her hands in mine. Her gaze lifted and she met my eyes, tears glistening behind her gaze. "This is not your fault. No one should have died, but specifically not you. You are not the destruction my sister saw in her prophecy." Tears slipped out of her eyes and down her cheeks. I wiped them away with my thumbs as I held her face in my hands.

"You are not to blfor any of this, Silver," I told her, pressing my forehead against hers and inhaling her scent deeply.

She let out a shuddering breath before she nodded slowly.

"What happened to your brother?" I finally asked as I looked into her eyes.

"He was later found by a rogue," she explained. "She raised him as her own. Then, your father put a hit on rogues and his mother ended up in the crossfire. She died..." I dropped my hands from her face and stared at her for a moment. Neither of us said anything. It was now making sense as to why he was so hellbent on getting revenge against my family. Not only was it my family that caused his birth family to commit suicide, separate him from his sister, and abandon him in a cave, but it was also my family that got the only woman who cared for him, the one he thought of as his mother, killed.

How could I blhim for wanting revenge? "What are you thinking about?" She asked.

"I think he has a valid reason for wantingdead," I told her.

Her eyes widened.

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"No, he doesn't," she said quickly; now it was her turn to grab my face with her hands. "None of this was your fault. It was your father's fault. He should have stopped after he killed your father."

I jerked away at the sound of that; I always suspected that something like this was the case but hearing her was say it and confirm my thoughts was it almost too much for meto handle.

"Are you saying he was the reason my father died?" I asked my tone hard and coming out much colder than I meant it to.

Her gaze shifted downward as if she just realized what she just said and then she gavea curt nod.

"He changed your father's scent, just like he did with mine. His Beta m he was a tous thought he was toque and killed him," she said softly, her eyes shining with remorse.