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Marry Ex's Uncle After Divorcement by Jacqueline

Chapter 1
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Chapter 001 Abort the Children “Both babies are healthy!” In the obstetrics departinent of a hospital,

Theresa Cameron held her medical records and was relieved after hearing the doctor’s words. She had

sultered a lot in her seven-month pregnancy. But the health of her babies made her feel that everything

was worth it. At seven in the afternoon, she heard the door being unlocked and opened. She hurriedly

stood up, “Babe!” Jimmy Watson appeared at the door. He didn’t look up when he heard Theresa’s

voice. Perhaps he was exhausted after working for the whole day He didn’t speak, and just lowered his

head and changed his shoes. “I had an exam today and the babies are both healthy.” Jimmy had a

meeting today and he didn’t go to the hospital with Theresa. She went there by herself. The hospital

was not far from their house. And it was not a big deal. Theresa said happily: “I was just thinking about

the babies’ names. You have any ideas?” They had been married for three years. And the whole family

had been looking forward to the babies. Jimmy’s mother, in particular, would call every once in a while

to ask if Theresa was pregnant. They were all happy tor Theresa’s pregnancy. Though pregnancy

meant hardship for a mother, Theresa thought it worth it when the idea that two lovely babies were

coming to the world occurred to hier. Jimmy had already changed into slippers, but he showed no smile

on his face. He then said, “Abort the children.” “Wh…what?” Theresa was stunned by Jimmy’s words.

She was immersed in anticipation for their bright future seconds ago! I must have misheard! Why would

he abort our babies?

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Theresa married Jimmy when she was twenty-one years old. Jimmy dated her for two years before

they got married. And he had been nice to her. She was a conservative person and she couldn’t quite

accept sex before marriage She wanted to give her virginity to Jimmy after they officially became

husband and wife, and Jimmy respected her choice. However, after they were married, she found that

Jimmy was infertile. But she thought that his infertility didn’t matter because she believed that the love

between a couple was the most important, and that she loved Jimmy for his personality, not for his

sexual ability. But Jimmy’s family didn’t know about his infertility and had been urging them to have

babies. Their peers had children one after another, but they remained fruitless. And Jimmy’s mother

had been nagging about how she wanted a grandchild. Therefore, Jimmy came up with the idea of

artificial insemination and persuaded Theresa to conceive. Theresa had suffered a lot for the twins in

the past months. But now… He actually wanted to abort the children? Theresa asked, “Why…why?”

Jimmy answered, “I asked a friend in the hospital today and he told me that I might be cured. I want to

give it a shot. They are not my children and are not related to me. I don’t want them.” Theresa looked at

him in disbelief. She couldn’t believe that he was talking about killing the babies as if induced abortion

was some kind of trifle. She argued, “You wanted them yourself. You said that it doesn’t matter that

they are not related to you. You said that because I bear them, they are our children. And, they are

seven months old! It won’t be long before they will be born…” She had suffered a lot in the past seven

months. She had accepted their existence and began expecting her future with the twins. How could he

abort them as he wants? Jimmy said irritably, “We will have to raise them when they are born. You think

it easy for me to raise two kids? If I spend all my money on them, how would I have the money to raise

my own child?” “They are good enough for us! Besides, they are children, human beings, not trash you

could dump as you wish. And it was you who decided to have them in the first place.” “Abort or not?”

Said Jimmy impatiently, “No!” Said Theresa, “I am not as heartless as you. You know how hard it was

to me to bear them!” She had already had maternal love for the twins. She would not agree to abort

them. More than that, when she knew how pretty the kids were, she was filled with maternal love for

them. It would be too cruel to let her abort

the children. Jimmy answered, “Fine. If you want to give birth to them, just do it. I won’t help you! And,

you will raise them all by yoursell. Divorce!” “What did you say?” She didn’t expect that he would even

mention divorce.

+ 20 She had always thought that Jimmy was nice to her, so, she could accept his imperfection as a

man. But she didn’t expect that now he actually…

Jimmy said, ‘I’m not joking with you. They are not my children. Why should I raise them?” After saving,

he opened the door of the bedroom and locked himself in the room. Theresa stood alone in the living

room. She suddenly felt that the room was much colder. After a while, Rosales, Theresa’s mother in

law, called, “Theresa.” “Rosales.” Answered Theresa. She didn’t realize that she had been crying until

she heard Rosales’s voice. She didn’t know how long she had been crying She wiped her tears and

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didn’t want Rosales to know that she had been crying. Rosales asked on the phone, “Jim just said that

you are aborting the babies. Why?” “Ask him. I don’t know.” “He also asked me to persuade you into

agreeing with him, or he want to divorce. I thought he liked the babies. Did you two have a quarrel?” “I

did nothing.” Said Theresa, “It is he who doesn’t want the babies.” “How could it be?” Rosales was

confused, and after pondering, she asked tentatively, “Are the babies not biologically related to him?”

Rosales couldn’t think of another reason why her son didn’t want the children all of a sudden. Theresa

didn’t know how to explain to Rosales. The fact was that Jimmy wasn’t truly the babies’ biological


But she agreed with the idea of artificial insemination.

She never thought that Jimmy would suddenly change his mind when the fetus was seven-month-old

Theresa remained silent while she was thinking about how to explain, but Rosales regarded her silence

as admission. She began scolding Theresa, “Theresa, I didn’t know that you are so cheap. We Watson

is nice to you. How could you!” After cursing Theresa, Rosales directly hung up the phone.

When Theresa woke up, she found herself in the hospital. Noises were coming from outside. It was

Rosales shouting in an accusatory tone, “You have a good daughter! Divorce! You Cameron really has

a nice-bred girl! My son was being so nice to her and she is still insatiable! She found the other man!

Shameless thing!” Theresa opened her eyes and saw Johnson Cameron sitting beside her. Father’s

appearance brought her into tears. She cried, “Dad.” She didn’t know how to pour out her grievance.

Johnson looked at her and showed no smile. He just asked, “Who is the man?”