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Master Odell’s Secret Ex-Wife

Chapter 1182
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Chapter 1182

Janine’s brows were tightly furrowed on the other end of the phone. Worry and anger were written all over her


She was worried about Shannon, and at the same time, angry at Sherry, and frustrated about the eight hundred

million that she owed. 

Some careful consideration later, she said, “Shannon, don’t worry. You keep an eye on that girl and don’t let her

near John. I’ll talk to your dad and come up with a solution. I’ll let you know once we have something.” 

“Okay. I got it, Mom. Don’t put yourself or Dad in a difficult situation because of me. I’ll also think of a way.” 

“You just relax and be Mrs. Stockton. Listen to me, keep an eye on that girl, and don’t overthink things. Your father

and I will think of something.” 

Shannon obediently said, “Thank you, Mom.” 

“You don’t need to thank me. It’s okay, dear. Go to bed.” 

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“You too. Good night.” 

The call ended and Shannon sighed a breath of relief. 

As she lay down on the bed, she started to ponder. She knew that her mother loved her and would do anything to

help her. She was just wondering if her parents had 

earned eight hundred million in the past two years in Glenchester 

Janine went to Matthew after the call and told him everything 

Matthew’s expression turned bitter. “John made Sherry his servant?! I’ll go speak to him!” He bolted up and wanted

to stride outside , but his wife held him back. 

“Calm down! You’ll definitely make him mad if you storm into his house like that. Are you trying to embarrass


Matthew calmed down but he was full of resentment.” So, I’m just supposed to sit back and watch him order Sherry

around like a maid? She’s a Fowler! If others find out about it, I’ll be the laughing stock of the town!” 

“Only the Stocktons know about this, and I believe Madam Stockton has the same concern as you. If others find out

that Shannon and her sister are at John’s place, one as his wife and the other as his servant, people will surely talk

about it and criticize the Stocktons. I’m sure Madam Stockton will do everything within her capabilities to stop this

from going public.” 

Matthew’s bitter expression softened. He recalled the details and asked, “What Shannon means is that if Sherry

pays eight hundred million back to John, he will release her, isn’t it?” 

“I believe so. Do we even have that much money?” Janine asked. 

Matthew frowned. “Our funds are still floating, and we haven’t even earned eight hundred million in the past two

years here in Glenchester.” 

“Why don’t we sell the old house at Westchester? It’s located in the prime area, and I believe it’s worth a few

hundred million.” 

Matthew glared at her. “Dad and Mom left it for us! It’s not for sale!” 

Janine’s brows remained furrowed. “Dad and Mom are gone, so that house belongs to us now. We are doing this for

Shannon. Why can’t we sell it?” “No!” Matthew raised his voice. “Besides, John invested the money in us as

partners. It’s not on loan. He only got back around 200 million in the past year, but the project will only increase in

value in time. He will eventually get his capital back and earn more than ever. If I were to give him eight hundred

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million now, I might as well give him the money for free.” 

He was not an idiot! 

“What about Shannon? Are you going to watch that girl ruin her marriage with John?” Janine was infuriated. “If this

gets out, I can’t even imagine how people will look at 


“She hasn’t done anything!” Matthew got angry as well. He shouted, “John has feelings for Sherry and even used

this sum of money to keep her by his side. If you really give him eight hundred million, he will definitely think of

another way to trap her! It won’t work!” 

Janine’s expression turned cold. “Impossible! He married Shannon! How can he have feelings for Sherry? It must be

Sherry trying to seduce him, or she must have done something to make him mad!” 

“Stop lying to yourself! If he has the tiniest amount of love for Shannon, he would not have gone on a month – long

business trip on the day of the wedding! He even brought Sherry home when he came back! Making her a servant

is just an excuse!” Matthew collapsed on the chair, void of strength. He grasped his head and sunk into regret. “If I

knew this would happen, I wouldn’t have let Shannon marry him. He married Shannon because of Sherry, not

because he liked her or anything!”