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Master Odell’s Secret Ex-Wife

Chapter 2168
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Chapter 2168

Decker scowled the moment he heard Isabel sniggering at him. He looked like he was going to shoot lasers out of

his eyes.

Isabel leaned in closer toward Roland for protection, then she cocked an eyebrow at Decker and continued taunting


That was when Clarice spoke up, her voice filled with temper, "Isabel, this is a business place, not a stage for third-

rate actors like you. You have no place here!"

Isabel was in too much of a good mood to be provoked by her cheap taunt.

She flashed a smile at Clarice and returned the favor. "Who are you to tell me to leave? Why should I listen to you?"

Clarice turned red with anger. "You...”

Isabel proceeded to laugh tauntingly in her face.

Clarice became so furious that she wanted to hurl herself at Isabel but could not because Roland was right next to

her. She turned to Roland for help. "Roland, are you just going to let her behave like that?"

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Roland cast a glance at Isabel before remarking nonchalantly, "Why, what's wrong with what she's doing?"

Neither was she getting in the way of their contract signing nor was she intentionally picking on anyone. She was


here as a spectator, nothing more.

Clarice's voice was caught in her throat. She stewed in frustration for a while before exclaiming out loud, "She's just

an actress. She shouldn’t be here!"

Roland said briskly, "I wanted her to come with me. Do you have any problem with that?"

Clarice was speechless.

It was as if a cat had caught her tongue. She continued glaring at the couple bitterly but could not come up with

anything else to rebuke them.

"Speaking of which, Miss Houston, I'd suggest you stop blacklisting Isabel," Roland said with a pointed glare at

Clarice, his voice dropping to a low, threatening pitch. "If not, I'll see to it that your fiance gets kicked out of

Rockwell Corporation."

Clarice turned pale upon hearing this.

While Decker clenched his fists, his expression was livid and it looked like he was going to resort to violence at any


Most of the other members present were Decker’s allies while two of the older shareholders were on good terms

with Roland. However, they cast their affiliations aside and chose not to interfere and only spectate in silence


At last, Roland rose and held out a hand to Isabel. "Come, let's go home."

Isabel nodded curtly and linked her hands to Roland’s. With that, the duo walked out of the room completely

unbothered by the way Decker and Clarice were glaring at them. The rest of them watched as the two disappeared.

The lawyers and assistants who came with Roland promptly collected the signed contracts and left as well.

With that, an oppressing wave of silence washed over the room.

Infuriated, Decker swung a glass of water set on the table to the ground, smashing it into smithereens.

Clarice took a step back in horror.

Nobody spoke.

After a while, it was Master Rockwell who tried to console him, "Roland, there are still many days ahead of us."

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The other executives and shareholders chimed in as well,' That’s right, President Decker. Even though President

Roland is the majority shareholder now, you still have the largest shares in the corporation next to him."

"I believe that it's only a matter of time before you put him into his place and take back what's yours. I know what

you're capable of."

The two shareholders who were friends with Roland were the sole outliers in this situation. They exchanged looks

and held their tongues while the others began flattering and pandering to Decker.

Decker may be an effective businessman and strategist, but Roland was an entire stratosphere above him.

If not for Master Rockwell setting the foundation for him in addition to the support of the Houstons, he would have

never managed to drive Roland out of the corporation in the past.

Besides, things were vastly different now. Even if Roland did not have any capable allies, he had countless resources

at his disposal, unlike his previous self.

It was just as Roland said-the only way he could win out against him was in his wild fantasies.

While they were all busy trying to suck up to Decker, Master Rockwell rose to his feet by himself with the help of his

walking stick. He addressed Decker and Clarice, "Who was that girl back there who came with Roland?"

As Decker frowned, the sheer remembrance of seeing Isabel and Roland holding hands together soured his mood

yet again.