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Master Odell’s Secret Ex-Wife

Chapter 71
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Chapter 71

After the call ended, Sonia left in annoyance.

Back at Lake Victoria Villa, Tara enjoyed her glass of red wine with a mischievous grin. Sonia was such a

gullible person.

With the little fiasco she caused, Sylvia would have to move away from the Old District again.

The houses in the Old District were rather archaic, but the rent was expensive. Given Sylvia’s current

salary, she would never be able to afford one.

The houses surrounding the Old District were even more expensive, so she might have to move quite far


The further she moved, the harder it would be for her to pick her kids up and visit the Carters’.

With that, she would naturally draw distance from Odell.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

That night, while Sylvia was searching for houses to rent online, Jacob, who helped them tidy up the

house, went home and updated Isabel and Liam.

Isabel was grumpy after learning what happened. “It must be that bad woman! Brother, let’s call Uncle

Ben and Uncle Jacob to go to her house!”

Liam caressed her head. “There must be some other reason for Mommy to move.”

“But if Mommy moves, she will be a lot farther from us, I don’t want to be separated from her,” Isabel

cried as her eyes turned red.

She already could not sleep without her mother at night, and now she had to watch as her mother moved

further away.

“Don’t be sad. I’ll go talk to Great-grandma,” Liam said as he continued caressing her head.

Curious, Isabel asked, “What for?”

“I’ll ask her to let Mommy move in with us.”

Isabel’s eyes shone. “Right!”

Ten minutes later in the living room, Madam Carter was sitting on the couch with Liam and Isabel who

were massaying both her thighs and shoulders.

Isabel chattered ceaselessly, “Great grandma, you have no idea how scary those people are. If it wasn’t

for me and brother, something bad would have happened to Mommy, and because of them, Mommy has

to move again”

Madam Carter lookud al Lian as she listened to Isabel’s ceaseless mumbling

What are these two little rascals up to?”

“Sob… Great grandma, I feel so bad for Mommy…”

All of a sudden, Isabel started crying. Madam Carter turned to her immediately. “Isabel, don’t cry, don’t

cry, alright? Tell Great grandma who that baddie is, and I’ll find someone to teach them a lesson.” “Sob…

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I don’t remember.” While Isabel’s eyes were red from all the sobbing, the grievance on her face made her

look even more adorable, and even so, she did not stop massaging Madam Carter’s shoulder. Madam

Carter tightened her lips and said, “Isabel, what are you trying to say? Please stop crying.” Isabel

continued crying, but she kept signaling Liam in between her sobs. Just when Madam Carter ran out of

ideas on how to stop Isabel from crying, Liam spoke,” Great-grandma, can you let Mommy move in with


Madarn Carter was shocked.

Isabel stopped crying right away. She hugged the old lady and acted like a spoiled child as she chirped,

“Brother is right! Great-grandma, can you let Mommy move in with us? Then, no one will bully her


Outside the entrance, Odell just came back and overheard everything

The expression on his face changed, and he froze for a moment.