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Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chapter 2
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Chapter 2

Fiona still looked lost with the truth revealed to her.

“But I am an orphan, mom.” She didn’t want to believe it. “You two have been my parents; where have

they been all this while?”

“They were looking for you, my darling. The alpha told us yesterday that they have been searching for

you for nineteen years. Someone evil had switched you up after birth, and they only learned that truth

after leaving the hospital, and they have been looking for you since then. They finally found you, and

they have sent their convoy to bring you home.”

As she finished speaking, they heard a h onk of a car, making them pause and turn to the door, even

though whoever was coming wouldn’t enter unless they told him


“They are here, honey.” Dorothy said, and though her pain lingered in her eyes, she smiled.

“Mom!” Fiona called, and more tears streamed down her face. “I do not want to go.”

“Do not say that and do not cry; this is a good thing.” Dorothy encouraged her.

How was it a good thing? She was about to be ripped away from the only family she knew-the only

ones who loved her unconditionally. She didn’t want to give that up.

“It is not good, mom; how can you say that? I already have a mom and dad, and that’s you two.”

Dorothy turned to Otis as if silently telling him something.

Otis then spoke, “Know that you will always be our baby girl, but you are the alpha’s daughter and

should be with them. Do not worry; your life is about to get even better than we prayed for.” He wiped at

Fiona’s tears once again.

She didn’t want a better life; she wanted the life she had here with them. A life filled with their love. She

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didn’t believe that she would find such a thing again, even with her real parents.

A firm knock came to the door, and Otis went over to open it. Before the door stood a man not less than

six feet two and a massive, intimidating upper b*dy.

“My name is Phil, and I am here to take the Alpha’s daughter, Fiona, home.” He

said it firmly with a husky voice.

Otis turned to her, and she almost started crying again, shaking her head. She grabbed Dorothy’s hand

and said, “I do not want to go with him, mom.”

Dorothy’s eyes widen in panic; this was a level of fear she had never seen her mother display before.

She was afraid her refusal would bring them trouble.

Tears ran down Dorothy’s face. “Fiona, child, do not make this more difficult for us all.” She said, and

her frustration and pain showed, “If I were to go back, I would not change a thing; I could not have

asked for a better daughter. Just know this isn’t goodbye, okay?”

She nodded; she understood the words her mother could not say. If the alpha were to learn of her

refusal to come home, he would be angry with them. She didn’t want that for them. They had protected

her all her life; it was her turn to return the favour.

She came to Otis, and her father pulled her into a tight hug that told her she would always be

welcomed to their house and would also always be a part of them. He pulled away, and she walked to

Phil, the man waiting to take her home. He said nothing and just led her to the black Jeep, waiting.

Behind it were at least six other black-coloured Jeeps waiting just for her. He got to the door and

opened the door

to let her in.

She paused, and her breath grew shaky. “I did not take any of my things.” She informed him in a panic.

“Where you’re going has everything you will ever need.” He assured her.

Those were the last words they spoke to each other. After she got into the car, he closed it and got in

as well, and the rest of the journey was done in silence. They drove away from her little town and to a

completely different community many hours away. Though the journey was the longest she had had in

a long time she

bore it.

She pounded about everything that had brought her to this point. Raised as an omega for as long as

she could remember, her b*dy still bore the marks of the tortures. She had always thought her saviour

would be her mate, who would take her out of the hell of a life she lived. It turned out that the duty of

rescuing her wasn’t for her mate but for her biological father.

As much as she hated her life as an omega, she loved her parents, Otis and Dorothy; they were the

best things that she could have asked for. If she had the choice again, she would want them in her life

to guide and lead her with their love

and attention. She never felt like an outsider with them, and she could only hope that would be the

case with her actual family.

They arrived at the pack estate, where she assumed her father, the alpha, was. Phil came over to the

door and opened it to her, and she climbed down and shut the door.

Fear gripped her heart. Wondering what the people here would think of her, she glanced down at

herself. She was still in her clothes from yesterday; she hadn’t bathed or even brushed her teeth. She

was filthy when compared to everything in the environment she just came into.

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In silence, he led her towards the massive penthouse with her right hand. She held her breath, and

every step she took triggered her agitation.

This will be where she lives with her family?

It seemed so much like a dream, one she wanted to wake up from.

They came to the door of the massive white penthouse with its alluring structure.

Phil knocked on the door and waited. Not long after, the massive door opened to them, and Phil

stepped in and thanked the young lady, who seemed to be a maid. She also thanked her before

focusing on the journey ahead. It wasn’t a long journey because, as she glanced up, she found a

middle-aged man standing in white long sleeves and black trousers. For a reason, she felt as if she had

found him before, but realised it was because they shared a resemblance.

He had black hair just like her, but he had a few traces of grey in it. He also had the same amber eyes

she did, and the shape of his nose reminded her of hers. He had to be her father. She didn’t believe it

then, but now she does. Beside him stood a fair woman, just a little younger than him. She had brown

hair and blue eyes, and her smile reminded her of hers.

“You must be Fiona?” The man spoke, snapping her from her deep analysis: “I am Carl Jackson, and

this is Bianca Jackson, my wife. We are the Alpha and Luna of the Justice Pack, and we are your


“My parents told me,” Fiona answered with her head dropped. Somehow, she felt she was unworthy of

being in their presence. They were almost royalty, and she was their child.

The woman smiled warmly at her, and it eased her panicking mind. “I know this is hard to take in at

once, but we will be here to guide you. You will never feel alone again; we are here to protect you. You

have our word.”