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My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41
A few days after the incident at home, Oliver is at his office working when he receives a call from home, it was one of the
servants. He wondered why they were calling; perhaps his wife had been maltreated again.
He hoped it was something different because if they had treated his wife wrongly again, then that foreigner would be leaving his
house today. He didn’t care what his grandfather had to say about it but he would not tolerate any hate or ill treatment towards
his wife anymore.
He clicked on the green button and Zach’s voice came in. “Sir, you need to come back immediately,” he yelled in panic.
“Zach, what is wrong? Is my wife okay? Did anything happen to Princess?” He queried in a sputter of words.
“No sir, your wife and daughter are fine, but... but...”
“But what? Speak up you fool,” Oliver barked as he was now getting inpatient.
“Sir, your Grandfather had a heart attack, you need to come back immediately.”
Oliver was shocked by the information, his grandfather had always had a problem with his heart but he was under medication so
it was not supposed to worsen.
“What? Grandpa Go? Have you taken him to the hospital?” he asked, with his heart racing in fear.
“No sir, we...”
“What do you mean no sir? Why have you not taken him to the hospital?” He barked.
“Sir, we tried to but he would not go, so we called his personal Doctor over,” Zach replied.
Oliver wondered why his Grandfather would refuse to go to the hospital, and which personal doctor were they talking about?
Josh was out of town.
“Alright, keep me updated, I am on my way right now.” He replied.
“Alright sir, I will.” The butler concluded and Oliver hung up.
Oliver got up and headed for the door immediately, he opened it and came to face Sammy who was about to knock on the door.
“Um... Oliver is everything alright?” he asked with wrinkled eyebrows.
“Yes, I mean No. Grandpa Go had a heart attack so I have to rush home, please take care of things here while I go check on
“What? Heart attack?” Sammy queried like he had not heard clearly the first time.
“Yes, I will be back,” Oliver said in a hurry and headed to the elevator.
Sammy would have followed him but he had a lot of work to do there, he was about to make some enquiries from Oliver
regarding a client, but he guessed that had to wait.

He turned around and headed back to his office, while wondering why Oliver was going home instead of the hospital. He had
expected that Grandpa Go must have been rushed to the hospital already.
* * * * * * * * * *

Oliver got into his car and drove off on his own; he had left his driver and bodyguards behind. His grandfather’s life mattered a
whole lot to him as he was his only blood related family that was still alive.
He was in such a hurry that he ignored most of the traffic lights on the road; luckily he did not get into any accident or get in
trouble with the cops. Not like there was any sort of trouble he couldn’t handle.
The usual forty-five minute took him only thirty minutes to get there. He didn’t care to drive into the compound; he just parked the
car outside and ran into the building.
His grandfather’s room was downstairs so he didn’t need to go up the stairs; he got to the door and met Aria, Nora and a few
servants standing outside. His mind flipped at the sight. He wondered if what he feared had happened.
“Aria, what is wrong?” he asked, getting her attention.
She turned around and approached him quickly. “Oliver, your grandfather is sick, he had a heart attack but luckily, the doctor was
here on time to attend to him. However, he has decided that he does not want to see anyone and he would not take any
medications either.”
“What? That is childish, he can’t do that. I will go and talk to him myself,” Oliver replied and walked to the door. He did not
understand why his grandfather would act so immature.
He opened the door and walked in to meet his Grandfather lying on the bed, with the doctor seated beside him.
“Oliver, you are here,” the doctor said and sat up.
Oliver looked at him strangely. He had not seen the doctor before, so who had called him here?
“Um... sorry sir, have we met before? Also how is my grandfather doing?” he asked.
“Oh, I am Doctor Joe, I have been in contact with your grandfather for months now, I guess he did not mention it to you.” The
doctor introduced himself.
“Okay, how is my father doing?” he asked.
“Your dad is out of danger, but he needs to take his medications immediately, he also needs to eat food but he has refused to,”
the doctor complained.
Oliver walked to his grandfather immediately and sat by his side. “Grandfather, why are you doing this?” he queried.
The old man remained silent; he looked away from Oliver without saying anything.
“Please talk to me Grandpa, what is wrong?” Oliver asked again.
“Why do you even want to know? It is not like you even care about me,” Grandpa Go grumbled.
“What do you mean Grandpa? Of course I care about you, that is why I left the office to be here with you.”

“We both know you don’t care for me nor respect me. I told you that I wanted to fulfill the vow I made to my late childhood friend
before I would move on to the next life but you refused my request even after I warned you that I would end my life, you still
didn’t take me seriously,” grandpa Go grumbled..

“I am sorry Grandpa, but what you are asking for is almost impossible, even though you know it is not logical, that is not how
things are done,” Oliver defended.
“That is just what you keep saying but we both know that you can fulfill my wish if you want, you just don’t care. Anyway, since
you didn’t care about me anymore, I decided there was no need to keep living, so I stopped taking my medications and then this
I thought I was going to die and I was glad about that but the servants had to take my phone and call the doctor. It is not late
anyway; I don’t want to continue living a life where no one cares about my opinions or what I want.
I am not going to take any medications or go to any hospital unless my demands are met. You have to divorce your wife and start
the wedding process with Nora or I will die, if you won’t marry her, then please let me die in peace, I don’t have a reason for
living anymore,” Grandpa Go said and coughed.
He held his chest while coughing and the doctor rushed to him immediately. He held his chest and examined him.
“Grandpa, please stop all of this, don’t do this to me Grandpa, I beg of you,” Oliver pleaded as fear of losing his only living blood
related family engulfed him.
“Mr. Oliver Gomez, I know this is a personal matter but as your grandfather’s doctor, I would suggest that you do whatever he
says. His heart is getting weaker by the minutes and he needs to take his drugs to boost his system,” the doctor opined.
Oliver stood up and scratched his head feeling confused. He had never been in such a dilemma before, this one was too difficult
to handle.
“Doctor, is there no other way we can use to handle this?” he queried.
“I am sorry Mr. Stark Oliver Gomez, I can’t work on a conscious man without his consent and he also needs medications to
support him if I should, he needs food to keep him strong,” the doctor replied.
Oliver turned back to his granddad and scratched his head again, he thought about his wife and one month old child, then he
looked at the old man.
“Please Grandpa, I will do any other thing you ask but please take your medicines and eat some food, just have a little
something to eat,” he said and carried a plate of food that was on the table.
There were so many delicacies on the table, most of which were his favorites but yet the old man had refused it all. Oliver tried to
feed him but he would not open his mouth no matter how hard Oliver tried.
Oliver gave up and stood up, he paced around the room with a lot of thoughts going through his head, it was like he was going
crazy. At one point, he headed for the door.
He walked out to meet the worried family still standing outside the door. Aria rushed to him, he could see she had been crying
and even Aria could tell that he cried too.
“Oliver, how is he? Did you convince him to eat or take drugs?” she asked in fear.

Oliver was silent for a while, and then he kissed her on the forehead and walked off. Aria found that strange, she could not
understand why he acted the way he did.