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My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58
“Where is that little girl?” Arianna muttered while walking from one room to the other. “Princess Lena!” she called out.
“Oh goodness, this girl would give me a heart attack someday, she is just three years old and yet she is already a pain in the
ass. I wonder what I would have to face when she gets older.” She grumbled to herself.
Just then her phone rang, she checked the caller ID and realized it was Michael calling. Her modeling agent/manager.
She grinned and picked the call. Well she was fond of him as he was the closest friend she had in London. She picked the call
immediately and smiled.
“I thought we were taking a break today, I mean there are no performances or practice or meetings to attend, so why is Mr.
Michael Osborne calling me today?” she said and giggled.
He laughed on the other side of the phone. “You know what they say Aria dear, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. What
do you think of lunch at the beach? It would be quiet and lonely.” He suggested.
“Oh Mike, there is nothing I would love to do more than that right now, but you know better than me that I cannot be seen in such
an open place, for the sake of my reputation I have to stay clear, I mean you thought me that yourself you silly boy,” she replied
and laughed.
“Well that is true, but I also taught you that sometimes you need to break the rules and be happy, you don’t have to live like a
prisoner all the time just because you are a popular model. By the way, the beach is safe today, I already checked and it is not
crowded. Apart from that, you could also come there in a disguise. I have taught you how to be a different person for situations
like this, haven’t I?” he asked and chuckled.
“Fine, there is no need arguing with you silly boy, send the address and I will be there, but bear it in mind that if anything goes
wrong, you will have to take full responsibility and I am not spending a dime,” she said and laughed.
“Hey! That is not fair at all, you are richer than me and you want me to pay the debts, well I have fate that nothing would go
wrong so yes, I accept your terms and conditions,” he replied and chuckled.
“Good, you can be expecting me, I will just make a call and instruct the Nanny to come and stay with Princess.” She informed
“Oh, well that is great, give her a kiss for me,” he requested.

“I will, right after I find her, she is just as silly as you.” Aria giggled.
“I agree, see you later then, take care.” He concluded and hung up.
Aria smiled. “He is such a darling, now where is my little silly girl? Lena!!” she yelled.
* * * * * * * * * *
It had been three years since Aria moved to London and she had really accomplished a lot in those past three years. Apart from
being the third most famous model in London, she was the tenth most recognized model in the world, which was quite an
achievement for a girl with no solid foundation or silver spoon to light her path.

She had to claw her way to the top through hard work and determination, but she would never have done it without the support
of her new friend and manager, Michael Osborne.
Michael had been an essential element in her success, he was not just her manager, but her friend and her mentor, and he had
helped her pull through difficult moments and helped her achieve her dreams.
Now she had a fat bank account, a new exciting life, a new purpose and a strong, beautiful daughter, but her life was not yet
complete, there was something missing, a hole that she was unable to fill in all these years. She sorts the answer to the mystery
behind that loneliness and even though the answer was clear to her, she refused to accept it, she refused to see it.
** * * * * * * * * *
Aria arrived at the beach where Michael had invited her to, she was dressed in a simple gown with little makeup, with sunglasses
to cover her eyes and a cowboy hat on her head. Well that was her disguise.
As a celebrity, she was not supposed to be seen regularly and in a place like that, if she was seen there, then not only would she
be crowded by fans but she would have to answer to the agency that has currently contracted her.
For the value of an item to remain high, then that particular item is expected to be scarce and out of reach for a certain set of
people in the society.
Before long, Aria found Michael at a table in an open place; well it was under an umbrella to protect them from the sun. There
were other people there at the beach too, but as Michael had assured her, it was not crowded.
She walked up to him and sat down with her head bowed to hide her face.
“Hey, um... sorry but I am expecting someone so you can stay here,” he said, and then he suddenly paused and watched her
closely. “Aria? Oh my god, I didn’t know it was you!” he exclaimed.
“Well, what use would my disguise be if you knew it was me?” she replied and they laughed.

“You look beautiful in this, but why did you have to wear a short sleeved gown? The sun would burn your skin!” he exclaimed.
“Relax Mike, I am used to such climate conditions, have you forgotten where I come from? It is usually hot in Nevada,” she
“Well a lot of things have changed now, this is London and you are no longer who you used to be then, you are a better person
now.” He said.
Aria smiled. Well she didn’t know about that, yes she had almost everything she had ever wished for right here in London, but
she had left a piece of her soul in Las Vegas, it was something that London would never give her.
“Fine, I will wear something more covering next time, thanks for your concern,” she replied with a bit of sarcasm and he laughed.
“Good, now what have you done with my Princess Pinky?” he queried.
“Your silly girl has been subjected to grounding with the Nanny, at least I won’t have to bother about her for a few hours,” she
“You are such a baaaad mom, running away from your responsibilities,” he whined and she burst into laughter.

“Hahaha, oh my God mike, you make me laugh so much that my stomach hurts,” Arianna said amidst laughter.
“Well I can’t help it, a beautiful lady like you deserves that.”
“Oh stop it mike, you are making me blush unnecessarily,” she replied and looked down.
“Okay, time to be serious... actually Aria, I had a reason for calling you here,” he said in a solemn voice.
“Okay, this is the first time I have seen you being serious, this must be really serious, go on... tell me what it is,” she permitted.
Michael was quiet for a while, and then he inhaled and exhaled deeply. “You see Aria, I have known you for almost three years
now, I want to let you know that meeting you was the best thing that had ever happened to me, because of you, my life has
changed for the better.
I always had this dream to manage a famous model someday and you made that dream a reality, it was all because of you that I
am where I am today. A woman with so much potential and courage, a woman with great abilities and vision
I am not just proud to be called your manager but I enjoy the privilege of being your best friend and mentor. You have impacted
my life in so many positive ways that I can’t thank you enough.
That is why I have decided to let you know that I ...I want you to know that I love you more than a friend, you mean a whole lot to
me and that is why I am making this request, hoping that you will make me the happiest man on earth.
With all that expressed, Arianna Joanna McQueen, would you marry me?” he proposed and went down on his knee with a ring in
his hand.
Arianna was shocked; she had not seen this coming. Michael meant a whole lot to her and he had just asked her to be his wife,
what was she going to do? Say yes?
Whatever decision she took right now would affect the rest of her life, she was at a crossroad and had no idea what to do.
Should she follow her heart? Was she to act logically or rationally? She was in a difficult situation!!