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My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 82
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Chapter 82
Oliver walked out of the inner cabinet, trying to keep his footsteps inaudible. He walked slowly to where Arianna was sitting and
discovered that she had slept off. He sighed and shook his head, he came closer and stood in front of her.
He couldn’t help but smile at her flawless beauty, the way her long hair fell over half of her face, those pink tender lips and her
beautiful eye lashes and brows. She was like a fallen angel, or maybe she had missed her way and came to earth.
He was itching to touch her, to caress her face and kiss those lips. He wished he could be in her embrace again, he could rest
his head on her comfortable boobs and have her rub his messy hair.
Those memories were still very fresh in his mind because he never wanted to let go of them. He always wanted to live with them,
even if he can’t have his Aria back, those lovely memories will be a very important part of his life, they will be his strength when
he needs them and his comfort when he is lonely. They will be a reminder of the good times they had.
He brought his hand closer and pushed the hair off her face, revealing the rest of her gorgeous face. He moved two of his fingers
down slowly and they trailed against her lips, he raised those fingers up and pressed them against his own lips, perhaps that
served as a kiss.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in; he should properly stop this before someone walks in on him and sees him as
weird. Moreover, Aria won’t be excited to know that he touched her while she was asleep.
He noticed that she was not comfortable where she was sitting and he sighed. “She is just so stubborn,” he muttered to himself.

It’s been just thirty minutes since he left her and she had fallen asleep already.
The flight to Hawaii was about six hours, which means they still had about five hours to stay on air. Oliver figured out that Aria
might strain her neck before they arrived if she stayed in that position.
He sighed and bent down to lift her; she was a deep sleeper to his advantage so he knew she would not wake up. He carried her
in his arms and walked to the middle door, as he was about to get there, he noticed the door open and then he saw Lena. She
must have been watching him the whole time, he thought she had fallen asleep as well.
He felt awkward knowing that she saw him do all that but she just smiled at him. He smiled back and walked in with sleeping Aria
in his strong arms, she was sleeping like a log of wood. If Oliver didn’t know her too well, he would say that something was
wrong with her.
He lay her on the bed and covered her properly with the blanket, then he adjusted the AC to an average temperature. After that,
he stood there staring at her for minutes, then he went out to the cabin and joined Lena on the plane seat.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
“Yes Dad, I don’t feel like sleeping, why don’t you go and join her there?” Lena asked.
Oliver sighed and waved his head in refusal. “No dear, your mom would freak out and scream all day if she wakes up and finds
me beside her,” he said and chuckled.
Lena chuckled as she imagined that scene in her head. Giving that they were on a plane, it would be damn hilarious.

“So tell me dad, how did you meet my mom?” Lena asked curiously.
Oliver sighed and looked away. This was not exactly a pleasant story to tell the little girl, but maybe he should just skip the
negative part and tell her the good times.

“Well I met your mom in the bar, she was upset about her boyfriend who had broken up with her that night. It was Valentine’s Day
and I had come there to take a few bottles, to ease myself of the day’s work.”
“Do you even work on Valentine’s Day?” Lena queried.
“Yes I do, I was a workaholic, still am, I can’t really help it but I think it’s time I take a break,” Oliver replied and looked towards
“You mean like a really long break?”
“Yes dear, a really long break with you and your mom. We could go somewhere far away and have so much fun together, making
up for all the time we lost.” He replied.
“Wow Dad, that sounds awesome!” She exclaimed in excitement.
“Yes, I know it would be awesome, but that is only if I get your mom back to be my wife,” he said sadly.
Lena sighed, “It is alright, dad... I am assured that before this month runs out, you will be married to my mum. I promise you
“You sound so certain, why?” Oliver asked.
“Because I can feel it, I know you two are meant for each other and as long as I am concerned, I will see to it that I have both of
my parents watch me grow.” She stated in finality.
“You are just confident like your mom, you two are the best things that have happened to me.” Oliver said with a smile plastered
on his face.
Princess Lena grinned. “And knowing you has been the best thing to happen to me, Dad.”
“Awn... Now that’s my girl, come and give daddy a big hug,” Oliver said and opened his arms. Lena stood up and embraced him
“I love you so much Lena,” Oliver muttered with a smile. “I love you too Dad,” she replied and held onto him tight.
Those two had grown a strange connection in the past few days they have known each other, and it was a very positive one.
Lena is more than determined to bring her parents back together; she would go to any extent to see her family back together.