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My Bestfriend Slipped Inside Me (An Alpha’s Secret) by Demiah13

Chapter 10
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Avery's pov Melissa lets out a cry of shock beside me, her hands flying to her mouth in a gasp. “Oh shit.” Xade doesn't flinch though and wipes the blood away with the back of his hand and looks over atbefore he squares off with his opponent. once again. This the doesn't look over atagain and wins the match by a knockout.

As the referee lifts his hand in the air to announce him as the winner, he jerks his hand out and storms out of the ring, heading to the back. Looks like he is pissed off. We should let him calm down before going to him." Melissa suggested with a wince.

I nod but had no intention of not going over to him. I chere for him anyway, I needed to speak to him. There's no way I'd let our years of friendship go down the drain like this. We deserved more.

'I'm just going to use the washroom. I'll be back." I made an excuse.

Kyan nods while Melissa asked. " Wantto go with you?" I shook my head no and thankfully she doesn't tag along. It doesn't taketwo minutes to sneak into the back where I find Xade. His head is on the locker and his shoulders are rising and falling quickly.

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He stiffens as if knowing it was me.

"Xade?" I called out to him softly. There's a sound coming from his throat and it sounds weird. I gasp and flinch when he's suddenly crossing the room toward me. I press my back to the door, my throat running dry.

His hand slamming just beside my head as he cagesin and I had to tilt my head up to look at him. I gulped. The look in his eyes is wild." You're drivingcrazy V," he snarled. My heart speeds up and I try to ignore how the glistening of his sweat on his skin is turningon.

His nostrils flare and I clench my hands into fists when his head dips and his nose brush against my neck. He breathes in. "F*ck. I don't like him touching you or the way he looks at you. I don't like that you reek of him,” he snapped, pulling back as if I had burnt him.

My brows furrow with concern. "Xade?" my voice is soft.

He shakes his head and turns around." You should leave." "What?" my breath hitches in surprise. He had been avoidingthe entire day, ignored my texts and now he was pushingaway. I won't let him.

Planting my feet firmly on the floor I glared at his tense back. "I'm not going leave until we talk Xade!" The shake of his shoulder as he let out a very dry laugh that madeswallow. "Talk? I don't want to talk to you right now Avery." I flinched, his words landing a blow right to my chest. My throat ached. and I swallowed the lump, my breaths coming out shaky." What do you mean Xade? You've been ignoring my texts, ignoringlike I don't exist. Look at me.

My lower lip tremble when he doesn't turn around. "You don't have the balls to look atnow because you know I am hurt and you hate when I am hurt. You hate it even more when you're the cause of it." I see the strain of his muscles as he clenched his hands into fists. " Look atXade!" I spat angrily.

He whips around, his eyes ablaze with the kind of heat that madeburn where I stood. I gasp as he marched back over to me. "You wantto look at you?" he seethed, makingtake a step back but my back hit the surface of the door once more.

"|- I gasped when Xade hoistup in his arms, pressingagainst the door as he flush his front against me. My eyes widen and instead of pushing him away, my arms wrap around his neck. "Xade," my breath hitches when I felt the hardness of his length pressing between my legs. My thighs tremble.

Xade's blues trappedin a world where it was just the two of us, a world where no one else existed except for us, a world where he and I were two souls that were coming to connect in a way that would leave anyone breathless.

He entrapped me, his eyes pinning me.

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You're addictive," He

groaned, tilting his head slightly and taking my breath away when his lips land on mine.

mine. He swallowed my gasp, his lips moving feverish against mine as if he was desperate and hungry.

But it ends all too soon and I am planted back on my feet with him.

walking away from mence e again.

My chest heaves as I try to catch breath. It may have been quick but it had awaken a fire withinthat no one else had ever done before. Xade," I gasped, my fingers reaching up to touch my swollen lips that were ravaged by him a second ago.

You should leave now," he said in a clipped tone and ran a hand through his already messy hair.

I frowned. He was pushingaway again. "Xade I-

"Leave Avery! Please!" the loud roar of his voice startledand I yelped. Kdecided Seeing that he was angry.

to do as he asked, hoping that after he had calmed down he would talk to me. But that night no one saw a glimpse of Xade.