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My Husband Wants Me Dead novel (Esther and Bradley)

Chapter 476
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Chapter 475

Agatha glanced at the medical record that Liliane handed over and coldly declined, saying, Ms. Anstey,

I won’t perform the surgery for you.”

Liliane’s anger shifted immediately toward Esther, who was diligently writing a medical record beside


“Esther, did you convince Dr. Foster not to perform my surgery?”

If Agatha hadn’t identified Liliane, Esther wouldn’t have recognized this disfigured woman as


Liliane always cared too much about how she looked, often going to beauty salons and using the best

skincare since she was young.

Esther could hardly believe that the Liliane she hadn’t heard from in so long had changed into this

horrifying figure, looking neither human nor ghostly.

“Liliane, have you seen yourself in the mirror? With this look, I couldn’t have known it was you,” Esther


Hearing Esther’s remark, Liliane glared and pointed at Esther’s nose. “Esther, if it weren’t for you, I

wouldn’t look like this.”

“Liliane, how is your look my fault?”

“It’s all because of that j*rk, Liam!”

If Liliane knew what was coming, she wouldn’t have taken credit for Esther’s achievements. Instead of

gaining anything, she was now disfigured and suffering.

“Liam did this to you?” Esther found it hard to believe.

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Liliane was shaking with rage, exuding darkness and terror like a demon from hell. “Esther, stop

pretending. If it weren’t for you, Liam wouldn’t have destroyed me. Don’t celebrate yet. I know you, and

your payback is coming-

Agatha’s voice cut in, “Security.”

Security guards quickly moved forward, calming down the agitated Liliane.

“Ms. Anstey, I’m not declining to perform plastic surgery on you because I’m incapable. My time is

committed to attending to critical patients. Your disfigurement is indeed unfortunate, but it doesn’t pose

a threat to your life.

“Given the severity of your injuries, the doctors made the prudent choice of not immediately

recommending plastic surgery for your well-being. Since you’ve made a good recovery, I would advise

you to seek out a specialized plastic surgeon.”

“Dr. Foster, would you be willing to do it? I have confidence only in your skills, not in other doctors,”

Liliane pleaded.

Agatha shook her head sternly. “If I were to perform such a minor surgery, a critically ill patient might be

deprived of timely treatment. Ms. Anstey, I urge you to consider the emotions of other patients’


Her words triggered a chorus of accusations against Liliane.

“Merely disfigurement? It’s not a life-threatening condition! Why squander Dr. Foster’s time?

“Did you catch that? She’s wealthy! She imagines her money can purchase Dr. Foster’s time!” “What

does it matter if you’re rich? Does that put you above everyone else? How conceited! Wealth doesn’t

entitle you to steal time from others.”

“Ms. Anstey? Ah, I recall now! Isn’t she that malicious woman who falsely claimed credit for others’

kindness? No wonder she’s disfigured She deserves it!

Distressed by her disfigurement and overwhelmed by the surrounding crowd, Liliane, who had always

been used to getting her way, couldn’t control her frustration. “You all are clueless! I’m wealthy and find

joy in wasting your time Does anyone here have money? Can your riches bring back your loved ones?

Open your eyes. The pain of poverty is unbearable. It’s easier to just end it all!

Liliane’s words further angered the crowd, and they responded with a chaotic flurry of

accusations aimed at her

The crowd might have lynched her if the security guards hadn’t stepped in to control the


Recognizing she was outnumbered, Liliane quickly escaped with the help of the security personnel

Chapter 476

After Liliane left, the calm and peaceful atmosphere returned to the charitable clinic.

Some attendees even shared videos online showing Liliane causing the disturbance. Upon learning

about Liliane’s bad behavior, many people rejoiced at her facing the consequences, almost as if they

were cheering with symbolic fireworks.

Lee (Liam) Mendenhall, the once-famous celebrity, had vanished from the entertainment world in an

instant. A few unaware fans still held onto hope, eagerly waiting for Lee Mendenhall’s comeback.

The charitable clinic buzzed with activity. Agatha carefully reviewed medical records and related

materials brought by family members, diagnosing each patient with precision.

Some family members were thrilled to know that Agatha had surgical skills. Others, however, were

devastated when Agatha’s assessments indicated that surgery wouldn’t work, and they should let their

loved ones peacefully embrace their final moments.

As the clinic came to an end, Agatha looked at Esther and asked, “Esther, what do you think?”

“Grandma Foster, life is so fragile,” Esther said.

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Every patient had people who loved them. Those loved ones all wished for the patients to be cured and

live longer.

Agatha took a sip of warm water, her eyes on Esther, and said seriously, “Esther, I’ve always seen

medicine as the most honorable field. Would you want to learn medicine with me?”

Esther was surprised. “Grandma Foster, isn’t it too late for me to start studying medicine?”

“Esther, if you choose to learn medicine with me, you’ll become my last student, and I’ll teach you

everything I know. This way, you won’t feel helpless if you encounter a situation like what happened

with Felix in the future. You’ll have the knowledge to create your own treatment plan.”

With uncertainty, Esther asked, “Grandma Foster, do you really think I can study medicine?”

“It’s never too early or too late to learn. Whenever you’re ready to start, it’s the right time.”

“I’m willing,” Esther replied. Her mind involuntarily conjured the image of Felix lying in at pool of blood,

and she remembered how utterly powerless she had felt back then. “I want to learn.”

Esther’s agreement aligned with Agatha’s expectations.

“Excellent. Let’s go check on Felix now. He should be awake.”

Agatha and Esther finished their disinfection routines and prepared to enter the ICU ward. As they got

ready, Felix, lying in the hospital bed, gradually opened his eyes. His dark eyes moved a bit and then

focused on Esther’s face. With affection, he softly said, “Mommy.”

Esther could not restrain her emotions any longer. She threw herself down beside Felix’s bed, gripping

his hand tightly. “My child, are you in pain?” she asked with a choked voice.

Felix responded with an adorable smile. “No pain.”

Tears streamed down Esther’s cheeks uncontrollably. Felix’s little hand reached up and clung to her


“My darling, you scared Mommy so much. Promise Mommy you won’t do anything so dangerous again,
