Evening had settled over the Palmer residence. Maximus and Laura had left at Emma's insistence-she had
decided to stay with Diana to take care of the twins, giving Peter and Celeste smuch-needed tto rest for
the remainder of the evening and night.
That simple gesture meant the world to Peter. He had been running on barely any sleep for weeks. Later that
afternoon, he and Celeste headed somewhere unexpected at least for her. It was a surprise. Practically everyone
had helped put it together, and the room was truly something special, a space fit for two little princesses.
“Celeste... | have something to show you,” Peter said, remembering the surprise. “Emma... please, bring the
girls.” Emma immediately understood what was happening-it was tfor Celeste to see what had been
prepared for her and the twins. Diana and Emma gently picked up the sleeping babies and followed them to the
beautifully decorated room.
“Celeste... This is a gift for you and the girls. | know you didn’t have tto prepare anything, so everyone
pitched in to make this happen,” Peter said as he opened the door to the nursery.
The room was painted white, with matching white furniture. The decor was a blend of soft pink and lilac, making
it look like something out of a dream. Celeste stood there, completely speechless. The space had a plush gray
rug, and at its center was a spacious crib designed to fit both babies. She walked over and admired it, her fingers
lightly touching the smooth wood.
A cozy pink armchair sat by the window, perfect for nursing while looking out over the garden. The entire space
was designed with her and the twins in mind.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt“What do you think?” Peter asked eagerly.
“It's beautiful,” Celeste whispered, her voice breaking as tears welled up in her eyes.
For a moment, she was transported back to the twhen she had left for Willowcombe. She knew she never
could have given her daughters something like this on her own. But now, standing here, she was grateful for this
moment-it felt like a dream. Her life had been filled with one hardship after another, yet somehow, meeting
Peter had brought her more blessings than she could have ever imagined.
“Where are the girls?” she asked, looking around.
“Right here!” Emma said, handing her little Martina.
Celeste cradled her daughter in her arms, kissing her forehead before gently placing her in the crib. Then Diana
gave her Flora, who was sleeping peacefully with what looked like the faintest little smile. Celeste kissed her too
and laid her beside her sister.
“Sleep well, my loves... We're hnow. Mommy's here, Daddy’s here... Grandma Emma and Aunt Diana are
here too. They're helping so Daddy and | can recharge our energy a little. Sound good?”
Peter stood there, watching the scene unfold, feeling completely satisfied. The idea had been Serenity’s, and
everything had turned out perfectly.
Outside, Serenity and Alden were with Ethan, who had been feeling a little down. He had been like this for days,
ever since he realized he wasn’t seeing his grandfather as often as before. Alden understood the bond between
his father and Ethan was strong, but the twins needed their dad too. He and Serenity were doing their best to
help Ethan adjust.
“Ethan, what movie do you want to watch?” Serenity asked, glancing at the listings and taking the boy's hand.
“That one! John says it’s really good and that he loved it,” Ethan said, pointing at a kid-friendly movie.
Chapter 0913
“Alright, then that’s the one we'll watch,” Serenity said with a smile.
At first, both Ethan and Serenity had
been hesitant about their mn
relationship, butoyek fine, through
Hindaly {Rieractions, Ethan had
grown closer to her. She had become
like a protective mother figure to him.
For Alden, seeing their bond had
been a pleasant surprise. He had
expected more difficulties in ain
future, but hig sen|édslrprise him
With thurity. That was
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmsomething he knew he owed to the
Peter of the past—Ethan was a
normal little boy, but he had been
raised with good manners and strong
values. The content is on
novelenglish.net! Read the latest
chapter there!
Now, with his own child on the way,
Alden hoped his daughter would have
the skind of guidance Eipanrhad
received from ReterHelished for
his Marriage to bring the families
: ,
closer together. He knew it wouldn't
be easy, but at least for now, there
was love and warmth in the air. That
was a good start. The content is on
novelenglish.net! Read the latest
chapter there!
Chapter 0914