Chapter 0931
For the Palmer family, discovering that someone as important as Peter's mother was still alive was a great
source of joy. It was remarkable how a family that had once consisted of only four men had now grown into a
large, predominantly female household.
After a big family dinner—where they had to improvise seating for everyone, including the Evanss-the guests left
the mansion, allowing the family to rest. It had been a long day, and rest was essential. But for Aria and Peter,
life as mother and son was only just beginning.
Once Peter had put his little ones to sleep and walked Celeste to their room, he slipped away to his mother’s
When Aria saw him enter, a surge of emotion overwhelmed her. She still couldn’t believe her son was alive. She
couldn't believe he was right there, close enough to hug, to feel his warmth. The son she had only carried inside
her was now holding her in his arms, with a tenderness that only he could convey.
“Peter... My boy, aren’t you going to rest?” Aria asked, looking into his eyes.
Peter let out a sigh and said, “Just letstay like this with you a little longer... To be honest, I'm scared.”
“Scared of what, my love?“.
“I'm scared that this is all just a dream. That it’s part of my accident, and that I'll suddenly wake up and you
won't be here. That when | close my eyes, neither you, nor my daughters, nor Celeste will be with me.”
“Peter, my love, I'm as real as you are to me. You have nothing to doubt. Believe me, there wasn’t a single night
I didn’t pray for you, for your soul. Not a single day or night went by that I didn’t remember the way you moved
inside me. You were such a playful baby.”
“Yes... You moved a lot. | still remember the first t| felt you. | thought you were about to cout! |
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtpanicked, but no... you were just moving, as if to tellyou were there, that we weren't alone. It was you and
me, together, and we had nothing to fear.”
“Mom, you have no idea how many thoughts are running through my head right now. | can’t imagine how hard it
must have been to live like that... | spent many years alone, at least until Marcus Bartz practically adoptedas
his brother. That's where | met a cranky woman named Agnes. She was terrifying at first, but once you got to
know her, she grew on you...”
“Peter, my love, it sounds like you had the chance to meet good people along the way.”
“If I look at it from a positive angle, then yes... What about you, Mom?”
“My life was... quiet, my son. Living in convents makes you silent and reserved. My life was dedicated to prayer
and work. After your father found me, and | thought you were gone, my heart shattered.
“When | went to the village where your brother found me, | just wanted to be alone. | won't lie-I was curious
about the place. My mother and | had always dreamed of going there together, but we never did. When | finally
arrived, | knew that was my home. That was where | wanted to spend my last days, months, or years.
“I never could have imagined things turning out like this. Meeting Danielle was the best thing that could have
happened toback then. She tookin, and | helped her clean the hotel.”
“Danielle has a hotel?”
“Yes, it's small, and lately, it's been getting more guests, but there was a rough period. Her husband left her
Chapter 0931
when she was pregnant with Ellie. Danielle’s mother had recently passed away when | arrived. Everything piled
up on her at once-she almost lost the hotel. But with the help of the villagers and Danielle’s friends, we saved it.
“My life with them has been good. We didn’t have much, but the little we had was enough. Danielle wants a
better education and life for Ellie, but she doesn’t want to leave the hotel behind.
“| offered to take care of it while they searched for better opportunities, but Danielle refused. She said if she left,
| would go with them. And look at us now-I'm the reason we left the village.”
“Mom, you don’t have to worry about anything here. Danielle and Ellie can stay as long as they want. Ellie can
go to the sschool as Ethan. Danielle can work at any of my businesses, and as for the hotel, we'll find
someone to take care of it. No matter what, | don’t want to be apart from you. Do you understand?”
“Son... Are you really sure about this?“.
I )
Yes! | don't want you to leave. | want
you to stay here. We all need JoHRmY
daughters and son Yekd y&u, my
gRritichidren need you, my wife
needs you. Most of all, | need you.
) q q
Don't even think about leaving me.
“If you're worried about Danielle and Ellie, they can live here too. Look around-this house is huge! We can all live
here without any issues.”
Son... That sounds wonderful, but
before making any decisions for
Danielle and Ellie, | geqd todall 16)
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm\ 5
them Ifchey wy I'd feel at peace.
Danielle is so young—she stayed in
Everstone for her mother, but she
deserves more. She deserves to see
0 3 q »
the world, to live a different life...” The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
“Mom, you deserve that too. Your life hasn't been easy, yet | can see how big your heart is, especially with them.
| know it won't be easy, but we'll get used to this new life.
“And for now, tomorrow, Celeste, Danielle, Ellie, you, and | are going shopping.
“Maximus toldyou didn’t bring any clothes. You all need to be comfortable and at ease here. So nothing
would makehappier than spoiling you.”
Aria and Peter talked for hours. He
9 , 2 q
didn’t return to his room until nearly
dawn. A few times, fre(Checkéd bhhis
daughtdrs But Celeste always beat
him to it. She wanted him to have his
space to reconnect with Aria, so she
made sure not to interrupt. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
Peter couldn't have been happier. That recurring dream, that distant silhouette-finally, it had a face, a name,
presence. Even in his dreams, she now had her own scent.