Chapter 0980 "I don't know what you're trying to do by talking to me. I know who you married. I won't deny that once or twice, I checked your profile on social media. Adrian, I'm not made of stone-I have feelings, and I know I shouldn't have done it. But the truth is, you never really intended to find us. If you had, it would have been easy to contact me. Maybe not by phone, maybe not in person, but at the very least, through social media.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"I know you're married, and that's fine. Your wife is beautiful. If you married her, she must have something special-something I don't. So I don't understand what you want from this. I'm sure she doesn't know you have a daughter. She doesn't deserve to know, and she doesn't deserve to be hurt this way. To her, you were free, and that's how it should stay.
"My daughter and I don't need anything from you. I'm studying now. I want to be someone she can be proud of. I've never asked you for anything, and I never will. I don't want your last nfor Adele. I don't want your money, your time. She is my daughter-she's mine and mine alone.
"I won't lie-I thought about you many times. I held onto the hope that one day you'd realize how much I loved you. It crushedto know that you wouldn't be there foror our child. My heart ached. I wished you had been there when she was born. I wished you had been there when I found out I was having a girl. But it didn't happen. And just like everything else in my life, I had no choice but to be strong and move forward. I opened my heart to you. I showed you who I really was. And I thought you did the same. But I know now that wasn't true. "When I found out she was a girl, I knew I had to be twice as strong-because now she would be looking up to me. And I didn't want her to see a broken woman. I want her to look atand feel proud of who I am. "Adrian, I think I've finally said everything I needed to say. And you... I can tell you have nothing to say that I want to hear. Because the truth is, I don't want anything from you. I don't need anything from you. I love you, I won't deny it. But for the sake of my daughter and myself, I don't want you near us.” "She's my daughter too!" "Yes, of course, she's your daughter. And there's no denying it. She's a constant reminder that I only ever gave my heart away once. Adrian, I don't hate you. On the contrary-I love you. But I love my daughter more. And that's why I'm saying goodbye." "You can't do this to me. You can't keepaway from her.
"I didn't push you away-you left us. Don't ever forget that "
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmBy now, Laura and Adrian had stepped away from the car. She opened the door and got in. It was! clear Adrian had no real argument to stop her, no way to justify trying to be part of his daughter's life now. Any excuse he could make would only lead back to the day he walked away.
"Goodbye, Adrian. Just like you did for months, keep doing it. Stay out of our way. I may be calm but for my 11 may be login daughter I'm capable of anything. Whether alone or with my family, I won't let you cinto her life just to hurt her."