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One Night With My Alpha Professor by Eve Above Story

Chapter 189
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Chapter 189 Audrey Despite my exhaustion, the idea of a date sounded divine. I found myself nodding and allowing Edwin to guideout of the studio. We walked back to his apartment hand in hand, the cool evening air refreshing against my skin. He carried my things for me, a welcrelief for my sore muscles.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked as we stepped into his apartment, noses and fingers chilly from the early February air.

"It's a surprise," he said, setting my things down by the door. "Just put on something nice." I raised an eyebrow but didn't argue. Rummaging through the drawer Edwin had cleared forin his dresser, I pulled out a skirt, a warm sweater, and a pair of boots. After a quick shower and slight makeup to cover my dark circles, I felt more alive than I had in weeks.

Edwin whistled appreciatively when I emerged from the bathroom. "You look beautiful," he said, pullingclose for a kiss.

I blushed as I ran my hands over his chest and took in his own outfit-dark trousers and a tight-fitting turtleneck beneath a tweed jacket. "You clean up pretty well yourself, Alpha." He chuckled, leadingout the door. "Not nearly as much as you. Con, we don't want to be late." As we drove through the city, lights and buildings blurring by, I grew impatient and tried to guess where we were going. "Dinner and a movie?" Edwin shook his head, smiling. "Nope." "Dancing?" "Wrong again." Finally, we pulled up to the local museum. I'd been here a hundred times before, only now, a banner hung over the entrance: "Traveling Fashion Exhibit-One Week Only!" I hadn't even heard about the exhibit since I had been so busy lately, although it was certainly the type that I would be upset if I'd missed.

My jaw dropped as Edwin opened the car door for me. "Edwin, you didn't!" 12:32 Mon, Sep Chapter 150 He grinned, clearly pleased with my reaction I know how stressed you've been lately, and I thought you might enjoy this. Plus, it might give you sinspiration for your thesis." Hand in hand, we entered the exhibit. The warm space was filled with mannequins in glass cases displaying fashions from various eras, each one more stunning than the last. We wandered through the rooms, sipping coffee from the unall cafe inside and marveling at the intricate designs.

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As we moved through the exhibit, I felt the tension of the past few weeks slowly melting away. It felt good to focus on something I loved, something that had nothing to do with training or studying or being the Silver Star. "What do you think of this one?" Edwin asked, gesturing to a 1980s power suit with ridiculously enormous shoulder pads.

I wrinkled my nose. "Not my style. But I appreciate the statement it makes." Edwin laughed, pullingclose. "I much prefer you in the outfit you're wearing now," he murmured, his lips brushing the shell of my ear.

I shivered at his touch, turning in his arms to face him. "Thank you for this," I said softly. "I didn't realize how much I needed a break." He cupped my face gently with one hand, pinching my chin between his thumb and forefinger. "You work too hard, Audrey. It's okay to take tfor yourself sometimes." I nodded, leaning into his touch. For a moment, we just stood there, lost in each other's cyes. We hadn't had much tfor this lately. In fact, we hadn't been on a date since winter break. With a smile, Edwin took my hand again. "Con, there's more to see." We continued through the exhibit, but as we entered the next room, I stopped in my tracks. This space was filled with wedding dresses-not just any wedding dresses, but those worn by Lunas throughout history.

Slowly, I walked through the display, stunned by the beauty of the gowns. Each one was a masterpiece, representing not just fashion trends but the power and grace of the women who wore them. "These are incredible," I breathed, running my fingers lightly over the placard describing a particularly ornate gown from the 18th century with a massive train and intricate hand-beading across the entire bodice.

Chapter 18h Edwin watchedwith a soft smile on his face. "Can you imagine your own dress being here someday?" I blushed, the implication of his words not lost on me. "Maybe," I said shyly, looking away. "But I would have to design something pretty spectacula to measure up to these." "I have no doubt you could," Edwin replied.

As I moved to the next dress, a familiar voice besidemadejump.

"That one belongs to my-1 mean, our-mother." Startled, I turned to see Fiona standing there with a brochure clutched in her hands. Two men in suits-clearly her guards-stood a short distance away, watching us inconspicuously. "Fiona," I said, surprised. "What are you doing here?" She rolled her eyes. "The sthing as you, obviously. It's a public exhibit." I studied her face, searching for any sign of hostility or deceit. But if she was here to cause trouble, she was hiding it well. And with her guards watching, I doubted she would try anything other than her usual snide comment here or there.

Before I could respond, I felt Edwin's arm wrap protectively around my waist. Through our bond, I could feel his tension, his distrust clouding around both of us like a fine mist.

"Get behind me," he said through our Mindlink, his body subtly shifting to place. himself between Fiona and me. Fiona noticed the movement and sneered. "Oh, relax, loverboy," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm not working for Coldclaw anymore." Her eyes slid to me, and there was no hiding the disdain in their depths. "They shunnedwhen they found out I wasn't the Silver Wolf." I felt my muscles stiffen as I recalled those rogues over winter break. The way that they had cforlike I was fresh meat for the taking... I wouldn't be surprised if they had immediately discarded Fiona the moment the news about my true nature had cout.

But Edwin's grip ontightened. "And we're supposed to believe that?" Fiona shrugged, turning back to the display. "Believe what you want. I'm just here to 3/4 12:37 MN Sep 23 CE.

haron tab look at pretty dresers"

1 glanced between Fiona and Edwin, feeling the tension c**ing in the air.

Part ofwanted to vanted to believe Fiona, to think that maybe she had changed. But another part, the part that remembered her betrayal all too vividly, knew that it would be wiser to be Cautious A lot wiser.

"How did you hear about the exhibit?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

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Fiona held up her brochure. "It's all over the city. And since I'm allowed om cultural outings as part of my T sentence, I thought I'd check it out." She paused, gesturing to her guards. "Although they followeverywhere. I nodded slowly, not sure how to respond. It was strange, standing here with Fiona, looking at our mother's wedding dress. In another life, we might have been excited about this together.

Edwin, however, wasn't buying it. He tuggedcloser against his side, his gray eyes never leaving her.

Fiona rolled her eyes again. "Fine, fine. I know when I'm not wanted." With that, she walked away, her guards falling into step behind her.

The moment she was gone, Edwin relaxed, but only slightly. "She's up to something." he said through the bond.

"I can feel it."

I chewed my lip, considering. Maybe he was right; maybe she was up to something. Maybe she was furious with Colddaw discarding her in exchange forand wanted revenge. Or maybe she had never stopped working with Coldclaw to begin with. But Edwin and I still had an exhibit to enjoy. I needed this. I didn't want to let Fiona ruin it.

But before I could express that thought, he turned towith a stern look in his eyes. "We're going home," he said. "Now." SEND GIFT X