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Save Myself from Desperation by Cara Agnes

Chapter 367
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Chapter 367

Valentin, Andrew, and Leonard arrived at the hospital. Everyone waiting in the ward

learned that Leonard was willing to treat Ashley, and their agonizing hearts finally found

relief. They could somewhat ease their


Joseph saw Andrew, who came with Valentin and was no longer surprised. There was no

time for many questions.

Now, the most crucial thing was to wake Ashley up.

As Leonard entered the ward, he saw Ashley lying unconscious on the bed. His expression

immediately became serious, almost more distressed than if he were sick himself. He

rushed to the bedside almost without lifting his feet off the ground.

Karen was startled, thinking, ‘This old medical sage, why does he seem so…unstable?’

Valentin explained in a low voice, “Mr. Ferguson really likes Ashley’s paintings and was

worried after hearing about her coma.”

Karen finally understood, thinking, ‘So that is the reason.”

Leonard hurried to the bedside. After a quick examination, he felt that Ashley’s body

temperature was abnormally high.

“Mr. Ferguson, this is the analysis report of the ingredients of the yellow powder.” Valentin

handed the analyzed report of the drug ingredients to Leonard.

Leonard took it and looked. Upon seeing the ingredients in the drug, hi face turned

unsightly. He turned to Valentin and Andrew angrily, saying, “While we were heading here,

you filled me in on the entire situation with this doctor, Tyler, who seems hell-bent on

using Ashley’s life as a bargaining chip for control over the Pliskin family’s assets. It’s clear

to me now that Tyler isn’t just eyeing the wealth but also plotting to jeopardize her life!

“This kind of coma to death is very peculiar and rare. As far as I know, there are not even

three people in the world who can cure this disease, and two of them have already passed

away. How could Tyler possibly cure it? He’s deliberately deceiving you! Besides wanting

to take over the Pliskin family’s wealth, he never intended to cure Ashley! He is so




Chapter 367

The more Leonard spoke, the angrier he became, his beard blowing up.

Brian and Karen were shocked when they heard this. “How…could this be?”

They thought Tyler only wanted to use Ashley’s safety as a trade, but the reality was even

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more severe.

Not only did he want to seize the Pliskin family’s assets, but he also wanted to kill Ashley.

He drugged her but could not cure her.

Brian was

infuriated, and his chest ached.

The Pliskin family hadn’t done anything wrong to Tyler, yet he stubbornly engaged in

these despicable and cunning activities due to his unilateral misunderstanding.

Andrew’s eyes darkened. It made sense now. After questioning Tyler for a long time, he left

him on his last breath, and Tyler still refused to reveal how to wake Ashley up.

Andrew thought Tyler was holding back, trying to use her safety as leverage for the

family’s wealth.

But in reality, Tyler couldn’t wake her up.

There were only a few people in this world who could treat this strange coma, and two of

them had already passed away.

Valentin’s expression was dark and indistinguishable. His eyes seemed to have frost. “Mr.

Ferguson, do you have a way to cure it?”

Leonard didn’t boast but said, “Let’s start by bringing down her fever.”

Now, Ashley’s body temperature has exceeded 104 degrees Fahrenheit. If the high fever

continued, it would cause significant damage to her body.

He couldn’t let Ashley be delirious.

In an emergency, Leonard opted for a more conventional approach and decided to

administer intravenous therapy. He carefully selected the appropriate medication and

inserted a specialized needle to facilitate the controlled delivery of the prescribed


The occupants of the hospital room instinctively hushed, creating a

collective silence so as not to disturb Leonard during the delicate process.



Chapter 367

of administering the treatment.

Karen and Brian saw a few drops of blood dripping from their daughter’s fingertips, their

faces filled with deep concern.

George and Lester stayed by the side all along.

Zain, staying at the hospital well into midnight, now sat in a corner chair with Claire and

Joseph by his side due to his old age. His face displayed concern as he observed the

situation at the bedside.

He wondered if Leonard could cure Ashley.

Time passed slowly.

After Leonard finished the treatment, he wiped the sweat from his forehead. He checked

again and breathed a sigh of relief. “The temperature has dropped slightly, but don’t let

your guard down. The worst thing is if she has a fever again. Continue the cold compress

and physical cooling.”

Upon hearing this, Karen’s anxious eyes sparkled with a glimmer of hope. She hurriedly

measured Ashley’s temperature and was almost moved to tears. “Brian, Ashley is really

starting to cool down!”

Eagerly anticipating the news of a temperature drop, Brian couldn’t contain his e

as he heard those magic words. His hands

trembled with joy. “Fantastic! Many thanks, Dr. Ferguson.”

Leonard waved his hand. “This is just the first step. We’ll have to keep a close eye and

monitor her progress.”

George and Lester quickly fetched wet towels for Ashley’s cold compre

For the next few hours, Valentin stayed up all night, measuring Ashley’s temperature from

time to time. Although she was still feverish and hadn returned to normal body

temperature, it was an improvement compared to the previous high fever.

Six hours later, Leonard repeated the treatment.

At this moment, it was already bright outside, and sunlight streamed into. the room

through the window.

The light slowly moved across the floor, and time passed, minute by minute.

Karen sat by the bedside, tirelessly using a towel to cool Ashley.


Chapter 367

Finally, there was a noticeable decrease in her body temperature, returning to the normal


Karen felt a tingle at her nose, her eyes moistened, and she looked at. Leonard with

gratitude. “Mr. Ferguson, Ashley’s temperature has finally returned to normal! Does this

mean she’s out of danger? When will she wake up?”

Leonard combed his beard, still not daring to relax. “Observe for another day to see if

there’s a recurrence of fever. If there’s no fever, I’ll proceed with further treatment for


Karen nodded repeatedly, and Brian expressed many grateful words to Leonard.

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Leonard wouldn’t have lingered by their side if it were an ordinary patient.

But the current situation was extraordinary, and watching Ashley remain unconscious,

Leonard was genuinely worried.

After all, she was the Aurora he admired. He didn’t dare to be negligent and personally

stayed in the ward, fearing any unexpected conditions so that he could diagnosed


Zain, being old, couldn’t endure staying at the hospital. Valentin signaled Claire and

Joseph to accompany him back and rest.

Zain didn’t want to leave. But under Brian’s persuasion, he stood up and, before leaving,

repeatedly instructed, “If there’s any change in Ashley, b sure to inform me immediately.”

“I know, Grandpa.” Valentin escorted Zain out of the hospital.

When he returned, he saw Andrew standing by the window in the corridor. His brows

furrowed, and he walked into the ward without saying a word.

Leonard came out of the ward and saw Andrew standing by the corridor. He walked over

with suspicion, looked him up and down, then understandingly stroked his beard. “I see.”

Andrew, with lowered eyelids, responded indifferently, “What did you see?”

With a solemn tone, Leonard remarked, “You came to me out of the blue last night,

seeking assistance in treating her illness. Now, you’ve quietly


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Chapter 367

kept watch at the hospital all night, displaying such genuine concern… It appears you also

have a soft spot for our Ashley.”

Andrew, hearing this, raised an eyebrow and nonchalantly cast him a glance. “Your


He intentionally emphasized that “your.”

Leonard recalled the livestream of the recognition banquet, where Ashley publicly

declared her marriage to Valentin. Today, Valentin’s concern and care for Ashley made him

sigh, “She’s not your Ashley anyway. Alas!”

Andrew was speechless. If Leonard wasn’t old, Andrew would have kicked him.

“Enough with the chatter! Get on with the treatment!”

Despite Leonard being older, he still harbored some fear of Andrew. He could only vent his

frustrations in his mind, ‘This is the classic case of getting angry to cover embarrassment

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