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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 109
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Chapter: 109

A complex emotion surged within Tyrone’s heart.

He returned upstairs, approached Sabrina’s room with a deliberate pace, placed his hand

on the doorknob, and slowly opened the door.

From the small gap, he saw Sabrina still peacefully sleeping.

She didn’t lock the door for the night.

Tyrone tiptoed to her bedside and observed her small form curled up in the bed. Her hair

was strewn messily over the pillow and her petite face was nearly hidden in the blanket.

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It was said that this posture was indicative of feeling insecure.

Tyrone’s mind drifted back to ten years ago when he returned home and discovered a girl

there. The girl gazed at him timidly, addressing him as brother.

He didn’t think it was a big deal. His family was affluent enough to provide for another


The girl was sweet and courteous. Each time he visited his grandparents, she would greet

him politely.

Decade passed in a blink of an eye.

In a corner he overlooked, she grew up silently.

Noticing that Sabrina was on the verge of waking up, Tyrone quietly exited the room,

taking slow steps.

Sabrina rose at eight o’clock, had breakfast, tidied herself up, and applied her makeup.

She departed around nine o’clock and reached Goldfair Square at the same time.

Bettie was seated in a coffee shop, waving to her through the glass.

After Sabrina had entered the shop, Bettie slid another cup of coffee in front of her. “Here

you go. I just ordered it for you. It’s freshly brewed and still warm.”

“Thank you.” Sabrina settled on the stool and sipped it leisurely.

“Do we head to the third floor or the fourth floor first?”

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Both the third and fourth floors were designated for clothing.

“Let’s hit the third floor first. Why didn’t you ask Aylin out?”

Sabrina queried.

Bettie couldn’t help but laugh, stating, “Oh, you wouldn’t believe it!

She’s swamped with work these days. Handling more than one project simultaneously. I

heard her rant about Galilea and her team. It’s a never-ending list of requirements, even

went to the extent of requesting Aylin to tweak Galilea’s earlobes. Ever heard such a

thing? They fancied rounder earlobes for Galilea. Aylin’s been pushed to her Limit.”

Sabrina couldn’t contain her Laughter.

“Hold your laughter, I’m not joking! Poor Aylin. On a side note, Galilea’s breasts are really
