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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 121
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Chapter: 121

He headed to his study to engage in work.

However, his efficiency was far from its usual mark that night. He couldn’t even make it

through a single document in half an hour.

His mind kept wandering and his thoughts were a void. His internal musings remained a


Hours seemed to fly by unnoticed. He looked up to see it was already 11 PM.

Placing the documents aside, Tyrone retired to his room. The sight of the vacant master

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bedroom filled his heart with a strange emptiness.

Perhaps, after they shared the space for three years, their sudden separation felt peculiar.

Surveying the room, Tyrone noticed an object on the table.

It was the black card he gave her.

A note lay next to it reading, “Remember, we start the divorce proceedings on Monday.” @

His Adam’s apple bobbed nervously, his grip on the black card tightened.

Was she truly intent on divorcing him? Did she desire to be with the man she truly loved?


But if she indeed wished for a divorce, why did she confront him with such despair and

anger today? @

What was his role in her life?

Almost involuntarily, he found himself standing outside her door.

Raising his hand hesitantly, he knocked.

As Sabrina opened the door, her hair half—dried, she regarded Tyrone with a cold

indifference. “What is it?” she queried.

“Let’s revisit our divorce terms. Join me in the study, “Alright.”

Sabrina returned the towel to its place, then accompanied Tyrone

” said Tyrone. outside. After closing the door, she made her way to the study.

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A digital copy of their divorce papers flickered on Tyrone’s screen, edited with several new

conditions. He shifted aside, inviting Sabrina to view his additions. “Come and see the new

terms I have added.”

Positioned on the edge of the desk, Sabrina studied the highlighted segments on the


The primary addition implied their separation, but they would still live together. His post-

divorce plan involved maintaining their cohabitation.

The addendum dictated her role in concealing their divorce from his grandparents and,

when required, accompanying him on visits until they learned of their divorce.

A second stipulation ensured they would keep silent about their marriage and divorce.