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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 130
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Chapter: 130

In the living room downstairs, he informed the housekeeper, “Please refrain from

discussing the current events with Sabrina.”

What was plastered all over the internet was fleeting; people would soon get distracted

and move on to the next shiny thing.

The housekeeper seemed unsure. “What if she stumbles upon the news herself…”

“No need to concern yourself with that. Simply keep her in the dark.”

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Having no choice, the housekeeper gave a nod of understanding.

Tyrone then made his way to Galilea’s place.

As Sabrina awoke, her hand instinctively searched for her phone under the pillow, but

came up empty.

Blinking her eyes open, she stretched languidly and sought her phone once again, this

time around the pillow, to no avail.

A hand pressed against her forehead, she tried to retrace her actions from the previous


She recalled carrying her phone with her when she went to fetch Tyrone.

But upon her return, she shifted to a different guestroom to sleep.

Her phone should have been in her original room.

With this realization, she got out of bed, freshened up, got dressed, and headed to her

room in search of her phone.

The room was empty. Tyrone must have left hours ago, as the bed was cold to touch.

Despite looking in every nook and cranny, her phone was nowhere to be found.

She even rifled through the bedding.

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Rubbing her temples, she considered the possibility of having left it in her car or at the


She proceeded to her car to carry on the search.

Even after scouring every inch, she still couldn’t find it.

That left one place, it must have been left in the private room when she had picked up


Unable to retrieve it immediately, she decided to go for breakfast.

After her meal, she drove to the previous night’s club. Approaching the counter, she

inquired, “Have you come across a lost phone in Room 502?”

“Yes, miss. But it has been given back to the rightful owner.”

“Given back?” Sabrina asked, raising an eyebrow. “You might have handed it over to the

wrong person. I haven’t received it.”