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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 133
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Chapter: 133

“Can you entrust it to the security personnel, then?”

“No, the guards are off duty today.”

Sabrina was left dumbstruck. “Seriously?” she queried skeptically.

“Absolutely. Why would I make that up?”

“Alright. When will you come back?”

“I can’t be sure. It depends.”


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Sabrina inhaled deeply and ended the call.

The housekeeper offered timidly, “Mrs. Blakely, perhaps you might want to use my


Sabrina gestured a denial and handed the phone back. “No need.”

Meanwhile, Galilea switched off the screen and slid it into Tyrone’s pocket. “Tyrone, why

did you lie?” she queried.

There was a password mailbox adorning her home’s entrance, and no security guards

were on leave.

Clearly, Tyrone didn’t wish for Sabrina to reclaim her phone.

Unperturbed, Tyrone responded, “I’m merely concerned that she’ll dispel the gossip when

she reads the news, which might affect you. We simply need to let the storm pass.”

A glimmer of satisfaction surfaced in her eyes as Galilea digested his words. Regardless,

she pretended to feel guilty. “But it’s unfair to Sabrina. Tyrone, we should help her in

setting the record straight. I can’t bear to continue Like this. I want to be with you openly. I

won’t mind if others criticize.” ©

Tyrone’s brow furrowed. “The time isn’t right yet. I can’t fully manipulate the public

sentiment. You’re in the public eye now. Should we confront it, your career will

undoubtedly suffer.”

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Galilea’s face scrunched in a frown.

Was this about her career or his reluctance to go public with their relationship?

“T just…”

“Galilea, it’s not for you to worry. If Sabrina blames anyone, it should be me. I’Ll take care

of it.”

Galilea’s smile stiffened. She nodded, wrapped her arms around Tyrone from behind, and

nestled her face against his back. “Tyrone, you’re so nice to me.”

“Alright, you can head out and wait. Lunch will be served shortly.”

“Okay.” With that, Galilea exited the kitchen.

Tyrone turned to watch her leave, holding his gaze for a few moments before resuming his
