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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 1497
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“What's the matter?” Lance replied.

“Lance, | need your help.” “Why should I help you?” Lance asked dryly.

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Sabrina knew what Lance wanted and was willing to make a deal. So she said, “I'll delete the photos | took that day, and | will never mention them to Bettie, as long as you agree to help me.” In any case, Sabrina had already sent a photo of Lance being intimate with another woman in a shopping mall to Bettie the very day she took the photo. So Bettie already knew what Lance’s true color was. It didn’t matter whether Bettie saw the photo Sabrina had recently taken.

If it weren't for the photo Sabrina had already sent to Bettie, she wouldn't have offered such a deal with Lance.

However, Lance should be oblivious to this.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lance inquired, “Tellfirst, what do you wantto help you with?” “I want to see Royce. | need you to introduceto him.” “You want to save Tyrone?” Lance asked, his smile giving away that he knew exactly what she wanted to do.

“Yes.” “You betrayed your best friend for a man? Have you considered the possibility that if | were a malicious person, Bettie could be in danger because of your actions today?” “But you are not a bad guy, are you? Will you helpor not?” Angela’s Library After a second of silence, Lance said, “Okay, | will help you. I will call you once | have a set time.” “I'hope I can see Royce as soon as possible.” Sabrina’s Bred into a mocking smile.

Despite Lance's righteous words, he still agreed to her request.

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“Okay.” Lance hung up the phone and turned to find Keilani standing behind him. He had no idea when she cclose to him.

“Lance, who are you talking to on the phone?” Keilani looked at him suspiciously.

“My business partner,” Lance replied flippantly and put his phone in his pocket.

“I don’t believe you.” As Keilani pursed her lips together, she gazed up at Lance with her wide eyes and whispered, “I heard a woman's voice just now.” Lance was in the Living room when his phone rang. Then, he snuck out here just to answer the call. It must be Sabrina who called him.

Keilani had no idea what Sabrina had asked him to do, but he had agreed so readily.

“You misheard,” Lance refuted calmly, expression blank. “Let's go inside.” “I didn’t hear it wrong. Hey, wait for me. Stop!” Keilani shouted as she trailed after Lance.

But Lance didn’t spare Keilani another glance. Keilani fumed, stamping her feet on the ground as she watched his retreating back.