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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 1501
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“Are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?” “Don’t worry. I'm fine. | just had hypoglycemia and felt dizzy.” The woman didn’t look good.

“Miss, | have two pieces of chocolate. If you don’t mind, you can eat them.” Like everyone else, Sabrina had rushed forward when the woman fainted. As she spoke, she reached into her pocket and pulled out two pieces of chocolate.

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Earlier, before she set out for the location of the shooting, Sabrina put two pieces of chocolate in her pocket to eat to replenish her strength during a break in the shooting.

The woman paused, unsure of what to do. Then someone urged, “You should take them first. The supermarket is quite far away.” The woman smiled gratefully at Sabrina and said, “Thank you. I'll take them.” ninja “You're welcome. There's a seat over there. You can go and have a rest.” Sabrina had just finished speaking when the actor shouted, “What are you doing? Chere and continue the shoot! Hey?” Sabrina smiled at the woman and said, “I'm going back to work.

Please get srest.” “Okay.” A kind stranger assisted the woman in settling on a nearby bench. As Sabrina continued to work, the woman indulged in schocolate, watching Sabrina with interest.

After the woman regained her strength, she headed to a Berby grocery store and purchased sfresh fruits.

Then she placed them next to Sabrina’s bag.

Sabrina didn’t notice the fruits until she finished her work. By this time, the woman was already long gone.

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Over the next 48 hours, Sabrina was occupied with perfecting photos and did not have a chance to check her phone.

While she was immersed in her work, Bettie would often send multiple messages at once.

When Sabrina had a moment to rest, she opened her Facebook account, only to be greeted with a flurry of urgent messages from Bettie.

“Have you seen the latest news, Sabrina?” A while later, Bettie sent another that read, “Tyrone has been released. Where are you? Are you busy now?” Sabrina replied, “I was working just now. | haven't read the news yet. I'll check now.” Sabrina clicked on the trending news page and found that Tyrone had been released. She tapped on one article and read the police report announcing the acquittal of Blakely Group’s chairman, Tyrone, due to insufficient evidence of economic crimes.

Online, there were multiple opinions about this topic, and sindividuals even believed it to be a conspiracy.

Sabrina was aware that Tyrone was innocent, but she never anticipated him being released so quickly.

Bettie then texted, “Damn it! He's fine!”