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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 1508
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Tyrone’s actions showed that he didn’t trust her at all. He would always do what he wanted and would never give a thought to what she wanted. That was the reason why she deliberately said those words to piss Tyrone off.

Tyrone needed to realize the consequences of his actions and change his arbitrary habit. Moreover, she wanted him to have a taste of what she went through when he said those horrid words to her.

Sabrina accomplished her goal. Tyrone was heartbroken by her words.

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Tyrone stood there in a daze, staring at Sabrina with a pale face.

His lips moved, but no sound emerged. He felt like her words were boulders, crushing his heart into tiny shards.

“Sabrina, do you mean it? You really don’t want to be withanymore?” His voice cout hoarse, but the pleading edge to his voice could not be missed.

Sabrina clenched her fists and lowered her head. “It’s not that | don’t want to be with you, Tyrone. You're the one who pushedaway.” ninja “I admit | was wrong. | shouldn’t have hidden it from you or made my decision without consulting you. Sabrina, can you giveanother chance?” Tyrone pleaded.

“I've given you many chances, but you failed to seize them. What else do you wantto do?” Sabrina rejected.

Tyrone’s eyes closed, an expression of despair settling into his features. He took a deep breath and said, “This is the last time, okay? If you giveanother chance, you have my word that if | do anything to disappoint you, | will never badger you again.” “No, Tyrone. | won't believe anything you say again. Why do you think I will wait for you? I'm sorry. | have a boyfriend now and I've started a new life here. So you can go back and forget me.” Then, Sabrina turned around and left. x] “No, you can’t just refuse me!” Tyrone darted forward and grabbed Sabrina’s wrist. He stared down at her with burning eyes, his red eyes begging her to reconsider her decision.

Before Sabrina could say anything, a low voice thundered from behind Tyrone, “Let go of my girlfriend!” Richard strode forward, pushed away Tyrone’s hand, and blocked Tyrone’s view of Sabrina with his body. He stared at Tyrone warily and asked, “What are you doing?” Richard was at least 5.9 feet tall, and he looked serious. He appeared very imposing as he stared Tyrone down.

The face-off between these two handsmen attracted the attention of the employees passing by.

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Tyrone’s gaze narrowed as he inspected Richard carefully.

Richard returned the favor, cataloging Tyrone’s appearance from his hair down to his shoes. Tyrone was indeed handswith his piercing eyes. He was every bit as striking as Richard, and he was actually a bit taller than Richard.

Tyrone wore a simple white shirt and suit pants. Richard could tell at a glance that his clothes were expensive.

In the morning when Richard cto pick Sabrina up, he saw the car Tyrone was driving. He estimated the car to cost over three million dollars.

It seemed Sabrina’s ex-husband was handsand rich, and he appeared to love Sabrina very much. Then why did Sabrina divorce him? Richard was curious.

Tyrone glanced at Sabrina who was standing behind Richard and asked, “Is this your new boyfriend?” Sabrina took Richard's arm and said, “Yes.”