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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 1515
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Whatever stance Damon was taking, however, it benefitted her.

Pretending to ponder for a moment, Sabrina asked, “Alright, then where did | go on the first day of July?” “I recall you finishing a shoot on the thirtieth of June. The next day, on the first of July, you stayed hall day to deal with the photographs and didn’t go out,” Damon replied.

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Surprised by the accuracy of his response, Sabrina selected another day for scrutiny.

Damon still answered it correctly.

Sabrina knew what his answer would be. But she still feigned surprise.

Seeing that Sabrina believed Damon, Tyrone took the phone from her and told Damon, “I have to hang up now.

Let's talk about it sother twhen I'm free.” Ending the call and pocketing the phone, Tyrone looked at Sabrina expectantly. “Sabrina, you believenow, right?” Sabrina regarded Tyrone calmly and responded, “Well, | believe you.” With a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, Tyrone breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He moved closer to Sabrina and suggested, “Let's have dinner together.” ninja However, Sabrina lifted her chin and interrupted him abruptly, saying, “Wait a minute.” “What's wrong? Is there still an issue, Sabrina? Don’t you trust me?” Tyrone was anxious and puzzled.

“I believe that you disassociated yourself fromfor the sake of my safety. But that doesn’t mean that | am willing to forgive you.” Sabrina’s smile didn’t reach her eyes.

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In the most elegant and calm tone, Sabrina asserted, “You don’t trustat all. | dislike people who act self- righteous. Tyrone, we are over. | have a boyfriend, and I've started a new life. You also wish that I'll find happiness in the future, right? So don’t botheranymore.” Tyrone stood there, stunned, his face gradually paling. He looked as if he were on the verge of breaking down.

His hopefulness died out, and his eyes turned dull, like a pool of gloomy, stagnant water. His voice was imperceptibly trembling.

“Sabrina... Please don’t do this to me...” “You said that once | heard Damon's explanation, you'd leave immediately and wouldn't disturbanymore.

You can leave now.” Sabrina abruptly shut the door in his face without another word.

Tyrone was stunned. He had raised his hands in a futile attempt to stop her. He was paralyzed for a few seconds, trying to register what he should do next. Then, he moved his hand away and pushed it into his pocket.

Tyrone gazed at the closed door in front of him and lowered his head in dismay. He felt like his heart was breaking, his chest tightening so much that it felt hard to breathe.

After closing the door, Sabrina watched Tyrone through the door’s peephole. He appeared deeply disappointed and distraught. He Lingered at her doorstep for a long tbefore turning and departing, his solitary back looking lonelier than ever.