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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 1578
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“Have you two remarried?” Jennie raised her chin haughtily, glancing at Tyrone with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Showthe certificate if you have.” Tyrone was left speechless.

As Sabrina’s laughter reached Tyrone’s ears, he pivoted his gaze to her, his eyes ignited by a strong desire.

However, Sabrina, averting her gaze, said, “I'll nap with Jennie tonight.” Although Sabrina enjoyed the sex very much, recent nights had been devoid of restful sleep, leaving her perpetually fatigued. She didn’t want to have sex with Tyrone tonight. Jennie was so soft. It was comfortable to hold Jennie, a soothing experience, unlike him.

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“Yeah!” Jennie whooped happily and bounced around in excitement. She shot a triumphant glance at Tyrone.

Tyrone smiled helplessly. He held Sabrina’s hand, gently scratching her palm, and suggested, “How about this? We all sleep together tonight?” ANGELA'sLIBRARY “Okay!” Jennie’s eyes sparkled with delight as she agreed, “I want to sleep in the middle!” No matter what, she liked Tyrone very much.

After disembarking from the plane, Sabrina had messaged Bettie.

However, this afternoon happened to be an exceptionally busy one for Bettie, who found herself immersed in a performance with a celebrity.

Amidst frequent style changes during the performance, Bettie couldn’t respond to Sabrina until the evening.

Bettie texted back, “Oh, | have finally finished my work. I'm so tired.” Comfortably watching cartoons with Jennie, Sabrina inquired, “Are you home? Are you busy tomorrow?” Bettie said, “No, I'm in the car. But | am free tomorrow. Do you want to hang out?” Sabrina replied, “Okay.” As the clock ticked past half-past nine in the evening, after completing the bedtroutines, Sabrina lay down on the bed with Jennie beside her.

Despite the late hour, Jennie’s energy seemed boundless as she initiated a playful gof hide and seek with Sabrina amidst the covers.

After playing for a while, Jennie’s energy was replaced by drowsiness.

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Sabrina, gently patting Jennie’s back, watched as the little one closed her eyes.

In less than two minutes, Jennie fell asleep.

With a yawn, Sabrina closed her eyes.

In a daze, Sabrina suddenly felt her body weighed down by an inexplicable heaviness that left her feeling uncomfortable.

Instinctively, she lifted her arm, attempting to push away the oppressive sensation, but to no avail.

Abruptly, her lips were enveloped by something warm and wet. Tyrone licked and sucked her lips, making her gradually out of breath.