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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 1591
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Shirley's mind raced. Sabrina’s father had passed away, and she was adopted by the Blakely family. Therefore, Sabrina’s cousin must be a member of the Blakely family. So, Tyrone was expected to be here today.

As thoughts of the deal she had made with Tyrone flooded her mind, Shirley glanced at Sabrina and unconsciously clenched her fists.

Overwhelmed with guilt, she struggled to contain her emotions.

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Sabrina led the two into the hall and instructed them to find a seat.

As the guests began to arrive, Sabrina walked over to the table next to the stage.

The people seated at this table were all members of the Blakely family, including Wanda, Lena, Frankie, and several other relatives.

Kira was positioned to the left of Wanda.

Approaching the table, Sabrina chose a chair at a distance from Kira, sat down, and intentionally left the seat beside her open for Tyrone.

Kira cast a sneer in Sabrina’s direction. “How impolite of you!” Kira's disdainful huff caught the gaze of several women, who turned their attention to Sabrina.

Angela's Library Few members of the Blakely family had ever warmed up to Sabrina.

When Sabrina first joined the Blakely family, they often sneered at her. It wasn't until she married Tyrone that their attitudes began to change.

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With a smile, Sabrina said, “Kira, when are you planning to leave?” Kira responded with a scoff, “Oh? You're in a hurry to send me off?” “| was merely curious. You skipped your father’s funeral, so | was under the impression you might skip this gathering too. Yet, here you are...” “You...” Wanda grabbed Kira’s arm and said, “Please, let's talk harmoniously at Sergio’s wedding.” As the ceremony was about to commence, Tyrone claimed the seat to Sabrina’s right. he took Sabrina’s hand in his and turned to Kira, asking, “When did you get back?” “Just yesterday,” Kira said, her expression souring at Tyrone’s gesture.

“And when are you planning to leave?”

Kira felt a surge of anger since Tyrone had the same question as Sabrina. She couldn't fathom,why Tyrone seemed so obsessed with Sabrina Tyrone knew she was his biological mother yet seemed determined to have her leave as soon as possible! “You... You want me to leave this desperately?” “Well, you've been overseas for years. I'm afraid settling down here might feel a bit foreign to you.”

“Don't fret over this.” Kira sneered, “Tyrone, you were once obedient and nice to me Ever since you got married you..."

Kira grasped the need to pick up the pace of carrying out her schemes She couldn't accept Tyone being with Sabrina. Never in this life would she approve of them being together.