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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 42
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Chapter: 42

“Sabrina, it’s really you. Are you having dinner here too? Tyrone’s here as well. Care to

greet him?” Eddie gestured to a private room nearby.

Casting a glance in the direction, Sabrina was reminded of the scene at the studio.

If Tyrone was there, Galilea was likely there too.

Caught in her indecision, Eddie was already making his way to the room, leaving Sabrina

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no choice but to follow.

She breathed in deeply, gathering her composure.

It wasn’t her idea, after all. Why should she be nervous?

She didn’t chase after Tyrone and Galilea, so why should she hide?

Eddie opened the door of the box and people were talking inside.

Entering the room with Eddie, Sabrina caught sight of Tyrone, comfortably seated on the

couch with Galilea close to his side.

The pair appeared in their own world, oblivious to others.

With a tender smile, Tyrone leaned to Galilea, attentively Listening to her whispered


Galilea clung to his arm, suddenly planting a kiss on his cheek.

Tyrone appeared taken aback.

“Tyrone,” Eddie called out, drawing his attention. “Look who’s here.”

Tyrone glanced up and noticed Sabrina standing by the door.

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Positioned against the light, her facial expression remained inscrutable. Although her face

was partially obscured, Tyrone had a hunch that her gaze was fixed upon him.

“I bumped into Eddie in the hallway and thought I’d swing by to greet you all.” A

comforting smile adorned her face as her eyes scanned the gathering.

“Joining a friend for dinner?” Tyrone questioned.


Rolf queried with a grin, “What’s been keeping you busy, Sabrina?” @

“I’m dealing with MQ Clothing’s spokesperson matter.”

A shock swept over Rolf as he realized he’d accidentally broached a sensitive subject.

However, others seemed oblivious. Someone playfully gestured towards

Galilea. “Isn’t our MQ Clothing’s spokesperson right here?”