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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 47
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Chapter Forty-Seven

Startled Tracy scooted backward and tumbled out of the bed to the floor. Her sudden surprise drew her wolf closer aiding her sight in the

dim room as Phoebe sat up clutching the comforter close to cover her nudity as she studied the she-wolf with a sigh. It was the second time

in as many days a female obsessed with her mate intruded in what was supposed to be their private sanctuary despite the increase in

security measures

“W-what are you doing here?” Tracy demanded

“This is my room,” Phoebe answered. “Where else would I sleep? Shouldn't I be asking you that...although I think I already know the answer

Tracy moved to reply but snapped her mouth closed again. What could she say? Phoebe studied the she-wolf with a look of pity but such

behavior couldn't be tolerated

Her eyes shimmered silver as Mani woke from her slumber. As their spirits synced Phoebe’s voice took a richer, huskier tone, “Do you have

any idea what you are doing to your Mate? He will feel every moment of your betrayal as pain rips through him, shattering his soul into a

million pieces

Is that what you want?”

“Nobody asked you,” Tracy sneered feeling her face warm with embarrassment

“I wasn't talking to you,” Phoebe gently admonished her voice still in its lower register. “You should know most Lunas won't be as

understanding as me. If you want to keep your Mate, pup, you'll have to be more assertive. You cannot hide in the dark anymore.

Understand? You are the daughter of an alpha. Act like it.”

Chapter Forty-Seven

Phoebe’s eyes flickered back to gray as the bathroom door opened

The sound of the toilet flushing echoed as Jason stepped out. His form briefly backlit from the soft glow of the bathroom’s light. Tracy softly.

gasped as her gaze took in his hard, nude form. He was even more magnificent than she guessed

Jason yawned reaching the bed and was surprised to find Phoebe sitting up waiting for him. Sliding beside her his arms immediately

engulfed her as he buried his nose into the nape of her neck kissing her loudly

“Jason,” Phoebe sighed her voice once again normal. “We have a visitor.”

“What visitor?” Jason slowly pulled away before catching the smell of their intruder. His gaze fell on Tracy and he growled. “What are you

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doing here?”

Tracy shivered as his enraged aura washed over her. His eyes shimmered amber as his wolf pressed close. There was no sign of sympathy,

pity or desire for her

“.. Jason,” Phoebe said stroking his cheek and gently turning his attention back to her

He relaxed his aura withdrawing. Her scent was calm and all-consuming causing him to relax and his wolf to subside. She chuckled as his

embrace tightened

“Our guest was just leaving. Weren't you?”

“What are you...” Tracy's protest suddenly fell silent as her eyes shimmered. Her voice became nasally and in a higher pitch, “Yes Luna. I


Tracy turned walking toward the door. Her gait was awkward almost robotic or perhaps like a puppet on strings. But it was to be expected.


Chapter Forty-Seven

spirits were not accustomed to their human form and moving it was not as instinctual as it was in wolf form but it was not impossible.

Reaching the door she opened it and continued on her way

Phoebe sighed opening a mindlink to the guard standing on the landing leading to their floor. No doubt he would be surprised but she

didn’t want the young she-wolf harmed. She just wanted her escorted back to her room and watched to ensure she didn’t wander again

“What..just happened?” Jason asked watching the she-wolf's retreat

“Just giving her some friendly advice: she-wolf to she-wolf.” Phoebe shrugged

Jason looked at her confused and somewhat skeptical. Yet she didn’t seem perturbed and she wasn’t injured. He supposed he could let it

slide for the time being, “Have I told you today how amazing you are?”

“Well, since it is past midnight...no. First time today.”

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“Then let me show you,” he pulled her back down to the bed as his attention moved to the mark on her neck. Phoebe moaned with

pleasure letting him pull her back to bed

In truth she wasn’t sure exactly what happened once Mani synced with her. She knew their aura had come rushing out but after that

everything seemed to happen in a fog. Whatever happened she felt a heaviness in her limbs and Mani's exhaustion seeped into her. They

were more than ready for their mate to take care of them the rest of the night

Tracy sat at one of the communal tables eating breakfast alongside her father. Most of the visitors were content to ignore them as Glacier

Peak was not a prominent pack and were not proper guests. But there were a

Chapter Forty-Seven sf few wanting to approach and glean more information about the previous day's events

Her father was embarrassed by the whole fiasco but Tracy calmly answered their inquiries. If any noticed her fingers occasionally had

difficulty holding her fork or that her voice changed to a different pitch or that her eyes swirled amber they didn’t voice any concerns. Most

were more curious whether she intended to accuse Jason of other infidelities but Tracy only expressed her desire to return home to her

mate much to their disappointment

Mindless chatter ceased when Phoebe entered the dining hall with the orphan pair she called her own. Blake and Emma danced around her

perfectly happy and content as they made their way to the buffet-style breakfast spread. Phoebe chuckled as she loaded their plates

according to the pair’s cravings. None seemed to notice, or at least pretended not to notice, their audience

Emma turned suddenly exclaiming, “Daddy!”

Jason entered the dining fall chatting with Luke about the border patrols unperturbed with the alphas and lunas watching his every move

They undoubtedly had several questions after the incident at the pool but as long as Phoebe was unconcerned and their bond undamaged

he didn’t really care

Emma’s sudden exclamation caught everyone's attention as she rushed toward Jason with her arms outstretched. He scooped her up

without hesitation. With a laugh he tossed her up and caught her before blowing raspberries against her cheek. Emma shrieked with giggles

wrapping her arms around him as he nuzzled her

Luke chuckled. After so many years of dealing with Jason's often reserved nature it was still strange to see him acting like a loving father

Chapter Forty-Seven Jason had always been fair but stern. Now he was far more easy-going and relaxed. Even if he didn’t realize it this

change gave the pack even more confidence in him. With their Luna present the pack was more content and loyal than ever

Hearing his Beta's chuckle Jason shot him a just you wait look. Luke had been mated for the past few years yet they hadn't produced a pup

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exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

Jason had a sneaking suspicion his friend had been deliberately postponing starting a family in difference to him knowing how much Jason

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desired his own mate and family. But now he had his mate and two pups to call his own so there was no need for Luke to hold back. If he

was right then Blue Moon would see a dramatic increase in pups very soon

Without a word he carried the happy pup to a long communal table that had become the unofficial seating for Blue Moon's higher ranks.

There Phoebe was setting down the pups breakfasts. Setting Emma in her seat beside her brother Jason gave the pup a pat on the head

and roughed Blakes hair. The alphas and lunas watching couldn't deny the obvious: Jason was not only wrapped around his Luna’s fingers

but their adopted pups as well

While Phoebe went to collect drinks Jason followed to load his own breakfast plate before joining the pups. Luke, Mona, Lucille, Ben and

Norah soon joined them quickly filling up the able chatting easily as Alpha Reed finally made his appearance and even chose to sit with

them. He was followed by Alpha Atticus and Luna Koko

This brought a fresh wave of murmurs from the others. Just like in meetings alphas from smaller packs never associated with those from

larger ones, maintaining their unspoken hierarchy. But Reed and Atticus spoke comfortably with one another as both shared knowledge in


Chapter Forty-Seven “ Phoebe returned giving the pups glasses of juice. Before she could leave in search of her own breakfast Jason

clutched her hand and pulled her into his lap. She laughed at his shamelessness rewarding him with a kiss but when she tried to stand he

held her firm

“Jason,” Phoebe gently admonished, “I have to get my breakfast.” “It’s right here,” Jason nodded to the table

She looked to see a plate heaped with scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, sausage, bacon and toast. Looking at him she said, “That's yours.”

“Pll get more so eat all you want,” he nuzzled her

Since coming to Blue Moon Phoebe recovered most of her appetite and put on considerable weight but the portions she took for herself at

mealtimes were still far too small for his liking. Her naturally petite form still required more filling out. Jason and his wolf wouldn't be

satisfied until then

Lucille and the others chuckled but Phoebe found she wasn’t the least bit embarrassed. No one ever showed her as much care as Jason.

Mani was in full agreement, basking in their mate’s attention

Jason growled possessively as Phoebe snuggled in his arms. Though she downplayed her rejection he knew it had a more profound effect

on her than she let on. When they first met she had been wary and stand-offish. It had been her way of protecting herself and her wolf. Even


it hadn't taken long for her warm nature to emerge. Lobo reveled in every bit of affection she gave them in return. Her love was only for

them though they didn’t mind sharing her with the pups.

Reaching for the plate Phoebe paused as a new couple entered the dining hall. She smiled broadly as they filled their plates before joining

them. William and Lily greeted those already at the table. Reed in particular was eager to see his sister who had not been seen since