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Second Chance Luna

Chapter 55
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Chapter Fifty-Five Chapter Fifty-Five

“Huh, wait. Your first mate was also an alpha?” William asked

His voice carried further than intended and drew a few looks in their direction. Though many heard the rumor Phoebe had been rejected

they knew nothing about her first mate. That fact no longer surprised her

Phoebe had long ago realized the shame of rejection followed the recipient not the giver

“Yes,” Phoebe nodded. “We met shortly after he returned from his time at the Alpha School. We only knew each other based on rumors. It

was the first time we ever met face-to-face.”

“And he rejected you.. just like that?" William scoffed

“He had already decided to take a chosen mate while he was at school,” Phoebe shrugged. “I guess he didn’t want to change his mind.”

She leaned against Jason hoping he would relax. The moment William started talking about her first mate he tensed. It seemed it was more

of a sensitive subject to him than it ever was to her


Phoebe jerked to attention and turned to the door as did everyone else to see Camilla wearing a light blue gown. Mani sneered at the

blatant disrespect. This was Phoebe’s Luna Ceremony after all and Camilla was nowhere near Luna status. At first Phoebe wondered what

the she-wolf could possibly want until she realized Camilla’s attention was on Lily

“Is she really doing this now?

“This should be interesting,” Mani mused

“How dare you try to take my place,” Camilla stalked toward their

Chapter Fifty-Five small circle

Phoebe had to give the she-wolf credit as she boldly approached three alphas even with Mani suppressing their auras somewhat. She could

tell Jason and especially Reed had their hackles up while William seemed almost frozen. Did he really think this confrontation was


She glanced at Lily noting she seemed startled but not overly anxious

In fact she actually seemed calm despite the situation she found herself in

Perhaps their chat in the spa...or..

“Mani are you doing something?’

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“don’t know what you are referring to,” her wolf huffed. / might be nudging her wolf a bit but don’t you feel it?’

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Phoebe turned her attention to Lily opening her mind through her wolf's senses. Though Mani was suppressing the males somewhat she

was doing no such thing to Lily. An anxious energy was surround her as if her wolf was pacing, trying to suppress the urge to attack


“Her wolf has been suppressed a long time,” Mani confirmed. ® Nothing is more dangerous than confronting one who finally has something

that is theirs.”

“Should we..do something?®

“Interesting that you think we could.”

Lily's eyes flashed as her wolf pressed forward and she stepped away from William to meet the approaching she-wolf she had yet to

formally meet. Yet she didn’t panic. Her wolf practically begged to be given control so she loosened the leash a bit. She glanced at Phoebe

to see her eyes shimmering silver with mirth and she became even more confident. What was it she said to do if Camilla dared step in front

of her?

Chapter Fifty-Five —~)

Camilla approached looking furious but oddly Lily didn’t sense any aura. Was her wolf not in agreement with this? Well that didn’t really

matter. Lily didn’t trust her courage. She knew she would wilt under pressure even though her wolf seemed far more confident

As soon as Camilla was in front of her she followed Phoebe’s advice slapping her across the face. Whether it was the force of the slap or

simply surprise Camilla’s head snapped to the side and she froze. Idle chatter ceased and all eyes not already watching the new drama

unfold were certainly aware of it now. But Lily remained calm with her wolf firmly at the forefront

“You dare approach your Luna like that?” Lily declared. If you had any sort of dignity you'd know better.

Camilla stood with her mouth open in shock. Her face stung and her wolf was no help at all. She thought this she-wolf was a pushover. At

least that was the rumor but standing in front of her was a fierce wolf quite a bit taller than herself

“I suggest you back off..unless you want to formally challenge me,” Lily said. “Well?”

Camilla hesitated before baring her neck and backing away. The others gave her a wide berth as she retreated as quickly as she entered. A

few snickered at her unfortunate situation

Lily turned her eyes falling on William who seemed startled and turned on at the same time. She returned to him yanking him by the collar

and kissing him firmly on the lips before saying, “If you ever look at another she-wolf again it will be the last thing you do.”

“Y-yes,” William said with a shiver of pleasure as her eyes slowly returned to normal and her wolf subsided

She looked to Phoebe and mirrored her smile mouthing — thank you

Chapter Fifty-Five “) Phoebe gave her the barest of nods. Lily turned heading for the door practically dragging her mate after her. William

offered no resistance

“Something you want to share?” Jason asked giving Phoebe a squeeze

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exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

“Yeah, I was wondering that myself,” Reed agreed. “1 don’t think I've ever seen my sister act like that before.”

“I might have given her a few pointers,” Phoebe answered. “But you really should know better than to underestimate her. After all, she has

just as much alpha blood as you.”

Reed hesitated realizing the truth of her words. That was right. Lily's soft-spoken nature often made others forget the strength in her blood

Looking across the room he wasn’t the only one who needed the reminder


Jason pulled Phoebe into his arms kissing her deeply and loving how she fit against him. Her scent became spicy and he had a difficult time

holding himself back. She smelled heavenly and he had been reigning himself in all night. Ever since his duel with Graham he longed to

assert his claim. She belonged to him

He dipped his head kissing down her neck and growling with appreciation as she moaned. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt

but eventually her hands found his chest. Jason groaned

“J-Jason,” Phoebe moaned as his hands caressed her slowly freeing her from her gown and letting it pool at her feet

“ITdon’t know if I told you...you looked so beautiful tonight in that dress,” Jason mumbled. “But you look beautiful out of it too.”

Phoebe chuckled her hands moving to his shoulders and peeling back his shirt, “You too.”

Chapter Fifty-Five ~)

Barking out a laugh he gladly shed it eager to feel her skin against his

Her scent was so much stronger now his mouth was practically watering in anticipation

“Yes! Claim Mate! Mate is ours!”

With a possessive growl Jason swept her off her feet carrying her to bed and laying her down. His amber eyes were bright with lust as he

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stared at her yanking off his belt and shoving aside his pants. Phoebe shivered in anticipation as he hovered above her. He captured her lips

in his, dominating them even as he growled again. She was his

“.. Jason,” Phoebe moaned, breathless, as he moved to her neck and found her mark

Fur bristled along his arms as his wolf pressed forward. They both wanted this, hungered for it. The full moon dominating their instinct to

claim what was theirs

“Phoebe...” Jason muttered barely in control

She seemed to know what he wanted, or perhaps it was her wolf. As their lips parted she rolled onto her stomach and rising up onto her


Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on novelLSs.com for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away,

exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

He forced her legs apart to make room as he slowly sank into her with a groan of satisfaction. They were wolves and this was the most

natural position for them to mate. Had they gone on the moonlit run their wolves would have certainly indulged in their own sport

Phoebe’s hands gripped the sheets as he found his rhythm thrusting in and out with ever increasing force. One hand gripped her hips while

the other found her clit stimulating her from both angles. She moaned her mind a riot as her body clenched and her first orgasm consumed

her all too quickly. But he wasn't finished

He teased her letting her ride her waves of pleasure only to increase his pace. She arched her back encouraging him not that he needed it

Chapter Fifty-Five


“Say it,” he growled low. “Say what [ want to hear.”

.Mmm_.1..'m yours.”


“’m yours. I'm yours,” Phoebe could barely breathe out the words as their flesh slapped together and he buried himself in her. Jason

growled as her body clenched around him and his control came undone emptying his release deep within and filling her


She belonged to him and only him

& ET. Watson a*

Thanks for reading Second Chance Lunalll We have now reached the end of the first story arch, "The Luna." Next is the beginning of the

new story arch “The Prophecy.” I know we've all come a long way together but there is still much more to come. When Phoebe and Jason

learn the truth about silver wolves and the destiny that awaits them will they

be able to face it together or will forces tear them apart? Stay tuned! *