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Secrets Of The Neglected Wife: When Her True Colors Shine

Chapter 688
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Chapter 688:

She slipped the earring from her pocket, the metal cool in her palm. “Do you recognize this?” she whispered,

holding it up to the glass.

The moment the earring appeared, Lilian jerked her head.

Even her pupils contracted, as if she were facing a nightmare. For a split second, hope sparked in Allison's chest.

“Can you tellwhere its owner is?” she asked.

But as soon as Allison finished speaking, Lilian lunged forward. She struck the glass and scraped her nails on it in

eerie silence, her mouth open in a mute scream.

Her fingers stopped mere inches from Allison, held back only by the restraints around her ankles.

“Damn it!” Allison instinctively took a step back.

She noticed the restraints, reinforcing what she suspected — Lilian had been restrained after another frenzied

episode. But could there still be something left of her mind?

Allison's eyes narrowed with determination. She wouldn't give up, not yet.

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“Lilian,” she pressed, “where did you last see the owner of this earring?” A strange light flickered in Lilian’s eyes

as her face twisted in torment.

Her lips parted, and from her mouth ca low, jagged whisper, like glass scraping over stone.

“I will... kill you! I will kill... you, I will...” she repeated the words again and again, completely devoid of any

rational thought.

Allison's hope crumbled, and she slipped the earring back into her pocket. With a weary sigh, she turned her

attention back to the notebook.

Near the end, she found a half-finished entry: Subject entered a frenzy, injected with three doses of BI)GP...

The writing cut off mid-sentence, as if the researcher had been interrupted.

This was clearly not Lilian’s first episode of madness.

Allison flipped back, scanning for any previous notes on Lilian’s behavior. Finally, she found it: Subject frenzied,

injected with three doses of BUGPOT serum — successful, regained consciousness.

The solution was clear. If she wanted

Lilian to return to ne) shehedded

thats The content is on

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But getting to it wasn't going to be

easy. The researchers were gafigered

near the data saree rid 6 get to

the Ghug lab, she would have to pass

through them. The content is on

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chapter there!

Slipping through with only a lab coat wouldn't be enough. She needed a new plan.

“Allison, the data network's

malfunctioning.” Gordon's voice

crackled in her ear STi@ firewall"

breach Mdgered the lab’s defenses.

We've got thirty seconds before the

system reboots, and we need to get

out. Now!" The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!