Chapter 696:
Jareth’s concern shifted back to the gaping wound on his boss’s arm. “Mr. Shaw, you should really get that
looked at. An infection in this lab could be deadly.”
The lab was a breeding ground for countless experimental viruses, and even a minor infection could spiral into a
disaster. But Verruckt only responded with a dismissive, “Hmm.”
The researchers nearby scrambled to offer bandages and antiseptic, keeping a respectful distance, knowing all
too well their boss’s aversion to physical contact. They hovered anxiously, ready to assist but careful not to
While Verruckt methodically dressed his wound, Jareth ventured a question. “Do you remember anything else
about the intruder, Mr. Shaw? Perhaps her voice or her build?”
“Her voice... she mimicked someone,” he said slowly. “It sounded almost identical to that of the cleaner.”
“Alice?” Jareth blurted out, a crease forming on his brow. “Could it be her—"
He stopped mid-sentence, merely speculating. After all, the timid and quiet Alice seemed an unlikely suspect, yet
the resemblance in voice couldn't be ignored.
Verruckt’s expression turned calculating. “Where is she now?” he demanded.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtJareth’s pulse quickened, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. “She should be on the second basement level,”
he answered, conveniently forgetting that he'd recently relocated Allison to the first level. Fortunately, the
intimidating man before him didn’t notice it.
“Taketo her,” Verruckt ordered, wiping the blood from his arm with cold precision. His face was a mask of
indifference as He rose to his feet, his expression hardening as he prepared to hunt down his elusive prey.
Allison crawled through the narrow ventilation ducts until she reached the grating near the cleaning supply room.
She loosened the screws holding the duct cover in place before dropping through the opening, landing with a
soft but audible thud. The pain that shot through her ankle reminded her of her injuries, though she pushed it
The sound wasn’t lost on Gordon, who heard it through his earpiece. His voice crackled, heavy with concern.
“Allison, that didn’t sound good. You need to leave. Now.”
Ignoring him, Allison straightened and scanned the room. The familiar scent of dust and aged wood wrapped
around her like a cloak, oddly reassuring in its predictability. She lowered herself to the floor, exhaustion
weighing on her limbs.
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If | leave now, it's as good as telling
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Verruckt that Alice is oe om
EEE ehe reuttdrdd All the
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disglises she'd maintained over the
past few days would go to waste.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
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That doesn't change the fact that
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Verruckt's no fool, Gofdon om
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cou nterefl He sb bdr injuries and
start piecing things together. Then
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you really won't be able to escape.