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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105

The Hunt family memorial chamber housed the altars of the Hunt family’s ancestors. Kneeling in the

memorial chamber was considered the most severe punishment in the family.

Stefan remained silent the entire time. He knelt in front of all the ancestral tablets on the cold hard

ground with his back covered with whip marks.

“Send someone here to watch him. I’ll see how long he’s going to stay without food and water for three

days!” Old Mr. Hunt told Lurch sternly.

Lurch was worried about Stefan’s bloody back. “Master, he is seriously injured from the whipping,” he

boldly pleaded. “He won’t get through three days kneeling without food and water!”

Old Mr. Hunt was relentless in his pursuit. “He agreed that he should receive punishment for this

mistake,” he ruthlessly spat without looking at Stefan.

“B–but Mrs. Hunt said she was the one who initiated the divorce. She’s in love with someone

else now. How is this considered his fault?”

“I don’t care!” Old Mr. Hunt’s stony demeanor remained, though it clearly demonstrated his double

standards. “Ren’s feelings must have changed because of his actions. He must have

hurt her. He should reflect.”

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“He cheated on his wife and knocked up someone else. That in itself is a terrible mistake!”

Lurch understood Old Mr. Hunt’s temper well enough and knew this wasn’t something he’d tolerate. If

Stefan’s parents were alerted, things would only become worse.

Lurch thought about it and decided that the former Mrs. Hunt was the only one who could save


The atmosphere at the dining table was peaceful.

“Ren, try this fish. I know fish is your favorite. We have a new chef this time. Maybe he’ll suit

your taste.”

“Thank you, Grandpa.” Renee obediently received the fish and chewed it. The food was


“There are many ways to prepare fish, either by steaming, roasting, or frying it. Steaming fish

takes the most skill…”

Renee listened, distracted.

Old Mr. Hunt seemed so relaxed. His dearest grandson was still kneeling in the chamber with

blood on his back, famished and freezing. Why was he so excited to discuss the different cooking

methods used to cook fish with her?

When dinner was over, it was time to leave. Renee looked back as she left the premises. It was as if

she wanted to say something but could not.

“Child, go home. Remember to visit more often!” Old Mr. Hunt waved at Renee with a big


“Grandpa, I think…”

“If you want to plead for that idiot, you better stop. He made a mistake, and he should be punished for

it. This is the rule in the family. No matter who, pleading for mercy is futile. If you say anything more,

you’ll join him!” Old Mr. Hunt said, a cold sparkle gleaming in his eyes. After that, he turned around and

went back to his study.

Renee stood in the cold wind, not knowing what to do.

After giving it some thought, she decided to forget about it. After all, she was already formally divorced

from Stefan. He was just her ex–husband, and his life or death no longer mattered to

her anymore.

Soon, Renee left the house and waited for a taxi at the roadside.

Lurch rushed over, panting and anxious. “Mrs. Hunt, are you leaving already? If you leave, Master Hunt

will die! You can’t just leave!”

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“Stefan and I are divorced. Please don’t call me Mrs. Hunt anymore. Besides… I don’t think I’m the one

in charge. Why don’t you talk to the future Mrs. Hunt about this?”

“Mrs. Hunt, aren’t you just hurting us with that statement?”

Lurch continued in distress, “Old Mr. Hunt hates that woman so much. Her presence would only fuel

the fire. As for Master and Mrs… If they find out, things will only get messier. Old Mr. Hunt treats you as

his own granddaughter. He won’t blame you for your actions. You’re the only one who can save Master

Hunt. Please!”

“It’s hard to change Grandpa’s mind and decision on something. I can’t help. You should find someone


It was not Renee’s fault for being cold and heartless. After all, she was already divorced. She was done

with Stefan. Besides, it wouldn’t be good for them to meddle in each other’s affairs.

The taxi approached slowly. When Renee was about to get into the car, Lurch stopped her.

“You don’t have to change Old Mr. Hunt’s mind. You just have to provide a little help…”

“Look. I just took this photo. Master Hunt is seriously injured. He hasn’t eaten, and he won’t

hold on for long. If this goes on, I’m afraid his life will be in danger!”

Renee could not help but look at the photo and started feeling an ache in her chest.