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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1769
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Chapter 1769 Renee sat in the egg hammock in front of the window and watched the world gradually brighten. Surprisingly, she felt sleepy, which was a feeling that had evaded her for a long time. Soon, her eyelids slowly closed and she fell into a deep sleep.

"Renee! Renee!" After stime, Renee heard Jeffrey's voice. She opened her eyes and saw him standing before her, holding a tray with a grand seafood feast on it.

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Renee woke up and stretched, feeling relaxed. She hadn't felt like this in a long time. ' Wow, it smells so good.

Did you make this?" Renee looked at the delicious spread.

"Yeah, they're not too hard to make. | don’t know whether you'll like it or not ..." Jeffrey pointed at a bowl! of steaming porridge. "Eat this seafood porridge while it's hot. | added in a lot of nutritious ingredients which are good for your health." He had noticed Renee's pale and sallow face, so he had made her their village's secret seafood porridge to help her get back her energy, "Okay, thank you." Renee took the bowl of porridge and started eating it obediently, feeling touched. Halfway through her meal, she picked up her phone and took a photo of the grand feast and the vast blue ocean, then posted a status on her Facebook.

[Good morning. Today, | lost touch with the world. The weather here is nice, and | feel good.] As soon as she posted it, likes and comments flooded in.

Leia Osborne: (Ren, where are you?] Xavier Stuart: [This is hilarious! Renee, you're safe now, aren't you?] Jovan Hunt: [Where are you? Sendyour location. Don't makehave to get down on my knees and beg you!] Justin Baldwin: [I've marked your IP. I'll cand get yE&how!] Even Liam, who hadn't been in contact with Renee for a long time, commented on the picture: [Boss, you certainly know how to enjoy life. I'm so jealous!] Renee scrolled through the comments, occasionally replying to a few. She couldn't stop herself from hoping that a certain someone would comment on or like her post, but even after a while, she didn't see that familiar profile picture.

"Ugh, I'm so dumb!" Renee shook her head and turned off her phone.

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"What's wrong, Renee?" Jeffrey immediately noticed her disappointment and asked in concern.

"Nothing. I had a dog at home, but he ran away and hasn't cback yet. I'm worried that he got knocked out and eaten up," Renee blabbered.

Jeffrey wasn't fooled that easily. He watched her for a while, then asked carefully, "Renee, are you waiting for someone's texts?" "Hey, you're pretty observant!" Renee smiled and remarked.

"I saw a picture a while back, and it said that the first step of being unlucky is waiting for a man to text back.

Renee, don't get upset over a man," Jeffrey tried to persuade her. He didn't want her to be unhappy.

Renee chuckled. "That's a good saying. Yeah... we'll be unlucky if we wait for men." Although she said so, she glanced at her phone. Her eyes widened, and she shot to her feet. "Damn it!"