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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1780
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Chapter 1780 "It's... you?” Renee's eyes widened in surprise when she turned around and cface-to-face with Daisy.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Miss..." Daisy ducked her head awkwardly. "I overheard that you both were going to Garcia Village, so | hid on the boat early so | could follow. | didn't scare you, did 1?" Renee was speechless. "Why did you follow US?" "Garcia Village is infamous for being dangerous, but you both decided to chere for an adventure. | also wanted to chere, but the most important thing is..." Daisy shoved Renee's hands away and said righteously, "I have to keep an eye on you so you don't harm Jeff!" She firmly believed that the sea witch had possessed Renee and that Renee would harm Jeffrey, so she felt that she had to watch Renee at all times.

"How could you...".Renee smacked her forehead and complained, "Your imagination certainly runs wild. Don't you have to go to school?" "I stopped going to school ages ago. My mom said I'll marry Jeff when I'm eighteen years old, so don't you dare snatch him away from me. If you do, | won't go easy on you!" Daisy planted her hands on her waist and warned Renee rudely.

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"Don't worry, | won't snatch him away... but | can't guarantee if I'll becthe sea witch or not!” Renee purposely rolled her eyes and pounced on Daisy with her fingers curled. "Oh no, here comes the sea witch!" "Ah, what are you doing? Don't chere!" Daisy's face becpale and she screamed, stumbling back in fear.

Jeffrey, who had been walking on the other path nearby, heard the screaming and immediately rushed over.

"Jeff, save me!" When Daisy saw Jeffrey, she hurriedly ran over to him and hid behind him. "This woman... She's becthe sea witch!" "Daisy? What are you doing here?" Jeffrey asked in shock. He didn't remember a third person being on that boat. How strange! "She hid on the boat beforehand and secretly chere with US," Renee explained to Jeffrey on Daisy's behalf.

"You secretly cwith US?" Enraged, Jeffrey rebuked pon could you be so silly? Did you tell your family? We're going to stay here for a few days, and they'll get Mkious if they can't find you.” "I... I..." Daisy kept her head hung and didn't dare to say much because she knew she had acted impulsively.

Renee's heart softened and she sighed. "Stop scolding her, Jeffrey.

Since she's already here, she can follow US. Take care of her while we look for a villager who can call Daisy's family to inform them about her safety. Then, | can charge my phone too," Renee said, then took the lead and walked ahead. There was no point in arguing since Daisy was already here, so she just had to accept the situation.

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Soon, the sky grew darker, and the village seemed more silent and eerie.

Garcia Village was facing the ocean with mountains behind it, and ohly few houses were scattered in the mountains . There was a winding cobblestone road ahead of them, but all the houses they saw were vacant.

The paintings pasted on the doors had fallen off ages ago, and the houses seemed like they had been deserted for years.

Undeterred, they walked deeper into the village, and finally found a house with the lights turned on.