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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1787
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Chapter 1787 To Renee's shock, the person she had been yearning for day and night had appeared in front of her. She could scarcely believe it.

"Holdtight," the man whispered as he lowered his head to look into Renee's eyes. They were still at the edge of the cliff and had yet to swim out of the rip current. If they let their guard down, they would die at sea.

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"I will! I have to hold on to you because I have so much to say to you. I... Ack!" Renee choked, too excited to talk to Stefan. She couldn't tell if she was dreaming, so she just tried her best to hold on to him. However, the current was strong, and Renee's grip started to loosen. She couldn't hold on any longer, and eventually blacked out.

When she woke up, she found herself lying in a hospital bed, a vast expanse of whiteness above her.

"Renee! You're finally awake!" Jeffrey jumped in his seat, almost in tears.

"Where am I?" Renee's head was aching, but she forced herself to sit up and look around. She remembered being stuck in surging waves, and familiar arms had carried her away from the abyss, but... Why was she here now? "You're at a hospital in town." Jeffrey explained, "You went to the beach alone this morning and almost drowned. When we found you, it was almost too late. I brought you to shore and rushed you to the hospital in town by boat. You've been unconscious for a whole day." "What?" Renee's blue eyes were teary and full of child-like confusion. "How could you be the one who saved me? It was him!" "Who... is he?" Jeffrey asked carefully.

"He's someone very important to me. He dived into the sea to savewhen I almost died." Renee sounded certain.

X "But you were alone when we found you. Did you remember it wrongly? Or... were you hallucinating?" Jeffrey said hesitantly, "When I was in biology class, my teacher told US that people would hallucinate when they're dying. They would see whatever they're obsessed with."

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"No, I wasn't! I remember it clearly; I wasn't hallucinating!" Renee clenched her fists, her face flushed in agitation. "I knew it when held him-his body was just as warm and strong as I a remembered. It wasn't an illusion!" She had been entangled with Stefan for so many years, and could tell that it was him even with her eyes closed. How could it be an illusion?

"Renee, I think you'd better rest. Your memories will probably be clearen once you've recovered," Jeffrey suggested gently. Renee was silent briefly, then she yanked out the catheter in her arm and pushed the blanket off to get out of bed.

"Renee, where are you going?" Jeffrey asked anxiously.

"I trust my instincts-I know he appeared and saved me, but he's not willing to show himself. I'm sure he's N around and watching me. I have to find him!" Renee said stubbornly, walking barefoot towards the door.