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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 1805
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Chapter 1805 Xavier was afraid that Justin might escape, so he tightened his grip, but... something felt wrong. The body in his grasp was soft, and it didn't feel like Justin. In fact, it felt like... However, before he could cto a realization, someone slapped him.

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"Xavier, you jerk! Just what do you think you're grabbing?" Leia blushed and smoothed her clothes, then slapped Xavier again. "I thought you've changed and becmore polite, but it seems you've just beca bigger pervert. You're disgusting!" Stunned, Xavier realized that he had grabbed the wrong person... and the wrong part. Feeling awkward, he tried to explain, No, I wasn't trying to grab you or that area. It's all a misunderstanding, I swear..." Xavier rubbed his stinging cheeks miserably. "Even if I wanted to be handsy with you, I would have done it in private. I didn't do it on purpose; you have to believe me." Everyone found it amusing, but they were too embarrassed to laugh.

Renee turned to Justin and said jokingly, "Did you hear that? He's talking about us. I think we'd better leave them alone." "Agreed, we shouldn't be here. We'd better let them play the gby themselves, maybe they'll be a couple by the tthey're done." Justin crossed his arms and laughed.

Infuriated, Xavier burst out, "It was a mistake, I'm telling you! The real pervert is nearby!" He was referring to Stefan, who watched Renee all the time.

Immediately, everyone went silent. Xavier was clearly implying there was a pervert in the area, but not among the people gathered.

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Leia instantly demanded, "Who's the pervert? What do you know? Tell US now!" Xavier's eyes widened when he realized he slipped up, then cleared his throat awkwardly and mumbled, "I... What did I say? I didn't say anything. You must have misheard me."

Leia grabbed his collar, resorting to violence by default. "Do you think m we're deaf? We all heard you say there's a pervert nearby. I'm asking you who and where that person is. If you don't confess, I'll make you suffer!" Jeffrey quickly held Adie and Abby's hands. He felt that Leia was very frightening even though she looked delicate and gentle.

Xavier set his jaw stubbornly, refusing to give in. "Go ahead. After I all, I don't know anything. Don't ask me. That Stefan! He had pushed all his problems to Xavier, and now he was going to take the fall for it!

"Still being stubborn, huh?" Leia clenched her fists, and fists, and said to m Xavier," Fine, Nguess I'll just have to beat the truth out of you!" X