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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 42
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Chapter 42

Inside the exhibition box shone a pink peach-shaped pendant, dazzling the eyes that saw it.

“As you can see,” said the host, “this peach-shaped pendant was cut from a single whole piece of pink.

crystal, and it was given an incredibly romantic name-Everlasting Heart…”

This is far from being a normal crystal pendant,” the host continued. “Legend has it that it was specially

made for the adopted daughter of the king of a small kingdom in Varangia, which means that this… is a

royal treasure, ladies and gentlemen. It is absolutely one of its kind in this world. Currently, it’s being

valued at around three million dollars!”

The host’s colorful descriptions endowed the already luxurious pendant with even more hype and

splendor. The audience’s continuous gasps in awe were enough to show how highly regarded this

crystal. pendant was. Numerous ladies even cast an envious look at Charlotte.

“So,” Micah took Charlotte’s hand and asked in a groveling manner, “do you like this surprise that I’ve

given you, baby?”

Charlotte’s vanity was fully assuaged by that point, and the grin on her face could not get any wider.

Meanwhile, Liam was frowning slightly in the first row as he studied that pendant with a scrutinizing

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gaze. Disdainfully, he said, “The crystal’s coloring is mediocre at best, but I guess the label of being a

royal jewelry managed to get it to be valued as high as three million dollars. Do these people think that

we’re all idiots with too much money in our hands?”

“It is indeed a good quality crystal,” responded Renee in a half-smile and a vaguely mysterious tone,

“but as for whether or not it comes from a royal family, well…” 1

“Right,” the host continued, “we have just presented to you all the items that will be auctioned off today,

and among all the donated items, the most valuable one is the pink peach-shaped crystal pendant that

Mr. Micah Larson donated in the name of his girlfriend Charlotte Milford, therefore, I’d like to invite Miss

Charlotte to please come on stage.”

And so Charlotte appeared on stage like a celebrity amidst loud cheers and applause. She took the

microphone and spoke to the audience in an obviously affected tone, “Thank you for your applause,

ladies and gentlemen. I’m really happy to be here with you today in the name of charity. To spread the

love, I would like to invite my cousin-in-law, Renee Everheart, to come on stage and share this beautiful

moment with me.”

As she finished her sentence, she extended her arms toward Renee as an inviting gesture.

Renee knew at the drop of the hat that Charlotte must have some hidden bad intentions for her, but

still, she showed no sign of timidity and proudly walked up on stage.

She really wanted to know what kind of trick this silly cousin-in-law of hers had up her sleeve.

In an instant, the audience’s attention was focused on Renee’s beautiful figure. They were mesmerized

by her blinding beauty. This made Charlotte even more jealous of her now.

“Anyway, I invited you up here because I’ve got a simple question for you. You see, we’re gathered

here in the name of charity this evening, and everyone has donated so much to show their support for

the cause, and yet it seems that you’ve… not donated anything at all?”

“In any case,” Charlotte continued, “you are a part of the Hunt family. You must’ve obtained a

substantial amount of money these past few years, so wouldn’t it look like you’re a little cold-hearted

when you don’t contribute anything at all?”

Evidently, she had done everything up to this point just to embarrass Renee in front of the huge

audience, making it too shameful for her even to leave the stage. Surely enough, the people in the

audience had begun to criticize Renee, each standing on the moral high ground, accusing Renee of

being one of those greedy rich people who had no charitable heart at all, painting her as the kind of

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woman who only knew how to suck on the fortune of the Hunt family, yet being unwilling to give

anything back to society. She might look stunning outside, but her heart was hollow and ugly.

“F*ck!’ cursed Liam. He clenched his fists in anger as he watched it all transpire. He could barely stop

himself from rushing onstage and beating those people up. In fact, he knew of no one else in this world

who was kinder and more charitable than Renee!

Meanwhile, Stefan, who was seated in the same row as Liam, merely pursed his lips tight. His

handsome face was gloomy and severe. His eyes were focused keenly on Renee as he waited for the

situation to develop.

Despite being surrounded by vocal disparagement and criticism from the audience, Renee appeared

perfectly calm. She faced the audience and said, “Don’t worry, ladies and gentlemen. I will definitely

donate something to the cause in time, but before I do that, I would like to give everyone a sincere

apology on behalf of my cousin-in-law.”

Those words completely confounded the crowd.

Charlotte gritted her teeth and, in a lowered voice, asked her, “What the hell are you talking about, your

gold digger?”

Without bothering to look at Charlotte, Renee continued, “Because the pendant she had just donated is

a fake!”