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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 87
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Chapter 87

Stefan thought Renee was trying to trick him so she did not take her warning seriously.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his ankle.

Looking down, he saw a black snake spitting out its bright red tongue, looking at him menacingly. The

snake was about two fingers wide.


Stefan frowned. He could clearly feel the muscles around his ankle becoming numb. He could hardly

stand anymore.

He quickly moved Renee behind him to protect her and said, “I’ll lure it away. You look for a chance to


“Did it bite you?”

Renee clenched her fists and said in a tense voice, “The snake has a silver ring around its neck

and lives in a humid place, so it should be highly venomous. Stop moving so that the venom

won’t spread so fast!”

“Shut up if you want to live!”

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Renee’s voice was so loud that it was giving him a headache.

In his opinion, all Renee’s voice would do was anger the cold-blooded animal in front of them.

He had no experience in handling snakes, but under the tense situation, the snake would likely attack

them again, so he had to do something!

Stefan carefully took out his phone and turned slightly towards Renee who was standing behind him.

“Get ready. When I count to three, run as hard as you can!”

Renee sighed helplessly and said, “There’s no need. It’ll go away soon.”

Based on her past experience, this snake was not actually aggressive. Moreover, it had limited vision

and could only sense rapidly moving objects, so the safest thing to do was to stay still.

After the snake confirmed that they were not a threat, it would go away.

However, it was clear that Mr. Stefan Hunt had his own unique insight and did not believe her.

“One, two, three- RUN!”

As Stefan finished counting to three, he turned on the flashlight on his phone and shook it in front of the

snake, trying to divert the snake’s attention so that Renee would have an

opportunity to escape.

Rence slammed her hand on her forehead and said, “Oh no, oh no, it’s over!”

The black snake was instantly angered. It struck continuously in the direction of the light like a chicken

pecking at grain, doing everything it could to bite them.

“You, out of the way!”

In the moment of crisis, Renee grabbed Stefan’s arm and pulled him aside.

Then, a silver gleam flashed across the air. A silver dart pierced into the snake’s neck, severing the

snake in two and killing it on the spot!

Everything happened so fast that Stefan did not see what happened clearly. He could only feel his

head becoming increasingly heavy and his vision becoming increasingly blurry.

Renee calmly walked forward, picked up both parts of the broken snake corpse and stuffed

them into a bag so that the snake’s venom serum could be extracted from them.

She turned to Stefan and said, “You’re poisoned. We need to get you to a hospital to cleanse out the

venom as soon as possible!”

Stefan did not respond. His tall body shakily approached Renee, his eyes locked onto her.

Renee thought his eyes looked strange, so she kindly asked, “Can you walk? Do you need my help?”

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“I need it!”

Stefan’s voice was low and deep. Like a towering mountain, he trapped Renee firmly between

himself and the wall.

His long, strong fingers forcefully raised Renee’s chin. A strong possessive desire could be seen in the

depth of his eyes. “You’re my wife, of course I need you!”

“Stefan, there’s something wrong with you. What are you doing?”

Renee leaned against the wall, not daring to move.

Stefan was behaving abnormally!

She suddenly remembered that the venom of the black snake with silver ring not only attacked its

victim’s internal organs, it could also cause a hallucination and aphrodisiac effect.

The more emotional the person being bitten was, the more severe the effect!

“You’re a beautiful woman, but you might as well be blind. That Osborne boy is no match for me in

anything except being a few years younger.”

Under the influence of the snake venom, Stefan had no filter.


He rubbed her bright red lips with his fingers like he was rubbing the petals of a rose, and then, driven

by desire, moved in and covered them with his own lips…