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Shattered Girl (Emmy)

Chapter 92
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Chapter 95 "Where should we start looking for property?" Patrick and I had cback downstairs after taking quick showers and changing into clean clothes. The other guys had all grinned at me, makingblush, knowing they had all heard Patrick makingcome. Jake had cto my rescue, though, sweepingup in his arms and sitting on the couch withcuddled in his lap. His mouth pressed against my ear as he toldI was his tonight. I had forced myself to focus on the conversation the others were having about the type of property we needed. "Several smaller towns outside the city would probably work well for us. We can also use my parents apartment if we find something we like that is too far to commute or if we need to go into the city for something. Besides, I plan on working more from honce the last couple of things are wrapped up and my business goes completely legal, so as long as we are close enough to the university for the twins, I don't mind looking at smaller areas." Patrick shrugged his shoulders.

I sat up from my lounged position against Jake. "Are you serious that we can look at places in sm smaller towns?" I asked excitedly.

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"Yes, sweetheart," Jake assured me. We know how important it is for you to feel safe, and if getting out of the city and living in a small town will do that, then that's what we will do. 1 still couldn't believe that the guys would be willing to give up the excitement of the city just for me. I looked around at the others, all giving nods of agreement. My eyes teared up, and I turned in Jake's lap, giving him a tight hug, wiping tears from my eyes, and whispering thank you repeatedly.

"Love, we would do anything for you; moving to a house that will make all of us happy is not a sacrifice for any of us, I promise." Patrick reached over, rubbing my back while Jake held me. Knowing we all wanted the sthing in a new hmadeexcited to go back to the city so we could start our search.

We began discussing what we wanted in the house. The guys all wanted a small gym and pool. I wanted a library and a theater room. We talked about the possibility of a guest house in case Patrick's family wanted to visit but decided that it is always something that could be built later. Everyone agreed that having our own spaces was necessary, and we should look for a house with at least six bedrooms. The twins said they had no problem sharing a room, but I still wanted to ensure they could each have their own space. We spent the rest of the evening talking about our plans for the next week before Drew and Mike had to return to their base, When the talk turned to our trip back to the city, I began to worry about the flight the next night. 1 did not want a repeat of our flight up here, and I was not in a rush to experience two hours of motion sickness again. "Do you think Jamie has any more of the sedative you guys gavewhen I was having my bad night? My question caused everyone to stop mid-conversation and stare atworriedly.

you anxious Within seconds, Drew was kneeling in front of me, his hands cupping my face so he could lookin the eyes. "What's wrong, Em? Are yo about something? Do you feel sick at all?" I placed both my hands over Drew's "I'm fine, I promise. I was thinking about the flight back to the city and didn't want the sthing to happen toon the way back. If you could givea little bit of the sedative, enough to maketired so I can sleep on the plane, I might not get as sick as 1 did on the way up." "That's a perfect idea; I will look into more in the morning and have a plan in place before we have to leave," He promised before kissing my forehead and then standing and returning to his seat. As the guys continued to talk, the conversation turned to a new video gthat would be released soon. 1 let the guys soothing voices fade into the background as I began to imagine what our life would look like once we were all together in our new home.

I didn't know what tit was or how much thad passed when I felt movement as I was lifted into someone's arms. allowing my imagination to wander. I saw I was still in Jake's arms when I opened my eyes. He smiled down atgently as he walked us into my room.

must have dozed off while Sitting on the bed, he kissed me, promising he would be right back. I heard the bathroom door close, and I made myself comfortable, pulling a light blanket up to my waist and snuggling down into the soft pillows. Jake cout of the bathroom a few minutes later and joinedon the bed, pullingcloser to him; he leaned down and kissed me, starting with my lips and then moving along my cheek. When he kissedbehind my ear, I began to whimper.

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"Shh, sweetheart, I plan on taking my tand exploring every part of your body; I will make you feel so good and loved. All your stress and worry will just melt away." I groaned, entirely on board with Jake's plan, as he kissed down my neck and along my collarbone. He pulledinto a sitting position and grabbed the hem of my shirt.

"Arms up, Em; I want to get this shirt off you." Jake let out a laugh at how quickly I moved. He pulled my shirt off, kissing my lips again, before layingdown again and rolling so I was on top of him. My surprised squeak had him chuckling, Jakem shifteduntil his hard dick was pressing against my clit. I cried out at the sensation, and he grinned, pullingcloser to him for another kiss. He began trailing kisses down my body again; when he got to my breasts, he urgedto sit up, and my breasts were now right in front of his face.

Jake groaned before reaching up and gently bugging on my nipple. My moan turned into a gasp as lake leaned up and took my nipple into his mouth, sucking gently. The sensation of his mouth gently sucking sent waves of sensation through my body, causing my core to clench and bringingto the edge of orgasm.


Jake, I'm so close to coming." I whimpered. His hum of approvallsent another shockwave through my care, and I capart in his arms. X