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The Alpha Claimed Me Deeply by Demiah13

Chapter 29
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I looked away nervously as we passed many wolves while making our way down the stairs Xavier had a

firm grip on iny Asm, os is afraid I’d any second escape from his hold.

I was thankful that he at least got dressed, even though the shirt was inside out

Some looked at me like an intruder, some with disgust, some with mild intrigue. All those looks I’ve

grown used to through iny seventeen years of living.

Still, some part of me wished they didn’t hate me before actually knowing me.

I squirm under their stare and find myself shifting closer to Alpha Xavier. My actions caused him to atiflen

but he didn’t question it or pull away from me.

A lace I’m familiar with come into our vision just before we reached the door.

Samuel, the Bein, comes in our way, baring his neck to Alpha Xavier. Xavier stops and I lift my head to

see the storm in his cycs. Was he angry with his bcta?

‘Alpha. I’m sorry about my daughter

‘Your daughter can count herself lucky that I hadn’t torn her neck off her shoulder.’ Alpha Xavier snarled

as his canines emerge out of his gums. ‘Which I should’ve done.”

Beta Samuel took a cautious step back. I looked between the two ncryously. Xavier wouldn’t hurt his

beta would hc?

“Whatever she had caused, I will see to it that she is punished Alpha. Please spare her life for she is my

only offspring.” There was a pleading tone behind Beta Samuel’s words, I didn’t expect anything less

from a father who loves his daughter.

I couldn’t help but fcel somewhat guilty for perhaps causing it.

“See to it that your daughter stays far away from me and Aurora,’ Xavier sneered.

As soon as my name slipped out of Xavier’s mouth, the Beta’s eyes snapped up to fall into mine in shock


“The reason you’ve nearly killed my daughter was for that girl”Samuel sputtered out in disbelief. “The

captive girl?”

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“I-I do not understand,” He stutters, staring at me in shock and confusion. I could see the wheels in his

head tuming and found myself shifting closer to Xavier.

The action doesn’t go unnoticed by the Beta, whose eyes widen and brows lift.” Alpha

“There’s nothing to understand Samuel Just keep her away. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to bring

Aurora to the pack’s infirmary to look after the wounds your daughter inflicted on her.” Xavier grumbles,

looking irritated that the Beta was still there.

Wounds? They were mere scratches compared to what I’ve endured for years.

“Yes Alpha, Showing his neck, Samuel moves out of the way.

We walked past him, my mind jumbled up with questions on why Alpha Xavier cared about my

supposedly wounds so much.

You could tell it was indeed an infirmary with the stench of disinfectant and other liquids that I was not

familiar with. The one-story building was big enough with many rooms and sat just beside the huge

packhouse. It was almost like the human hospitals, way smaller but still shockingly big for just one pack.

“I need the best for my warriors when they’re injured.” Xavier suddenly said after catching me staring

open mouth at the building.

He didn’t have to tell me but he chose to let that information slin I found myself smiling that he at least

inieted me with

something even if it was something so little

An older man who looked more than the age of fifty walks over tous with a huge smile plastered on his

face ‘Alphia,

But then his gaze slipped to the girl his Alpha gripped which was me and his grey eyebrows shot up in

shock and confusion “What is

“Oh,” His mouth parts as he looks me over. I squirm under his unwavering scrutiny Xavier makes a

shocking deep growl that had a strong warning to it

The older man shifts his gaze from mine to his alpha in blatant shock ‘What can I do for you Al-pha?” He


Xavici nods his head to me. Her Tend to her. He commanded and started walking towards a room

without asking for permission. I don’t think he needed it anyway

The man had no choice but to follow us and I’m very aware of his cyes on me. Not in a predatory way,

but with blatant curiosity

Xavier pulls me to an empty table and a sharp staggering breath Icaves my lips when he turns me

around to face him, places his big hands on my hips and hoists mc up on the table.

I knew I wasn’t the only one surprised by Alpha Xavier’s actions. I could feel the man’s stunned eyes on

both mc and Xavier

Xavier’s eyes are pinned down on me and he nudges my chin up using his finger so that our eyes would

mcet. Tingles spring out of control where he touched. They did and I was stunned enough to pant like

Inceded more air into my lungs.

I didn’t understand why one look, a mere look into his eyes would have me so breathless so

“May I? ” The question was the only way to pull me out of whatcver trance I had been with the alpha I

looked away shyly and set my gaze on the nervous looking elder man.

He gulped, beading sweat on his forehead as he looked at Xavier and me. In his grasp was a small

cotton ball and the other held a bottle of what I believe was spirit. His hands shook. For what? I didn’t


Xavier whose eyes had remained on me by the weight I felt, hesitantly shifted his attention to the older

man. May you what Rodrigo?”

Rodrigo trembled under the weight of his alpha and nervously nudged his chin to my injured arm.’ May I

have a look at the scratches Alpha? It would be best if I treat it soon in case of any infection. Considering

she’s not one…of us.”

Xavier suddenly grabs a hold of my hand almost possessively if I didn’t know any better and gives a

single stiff nod. Rodrigo’s eyes fall to his Alpha’s hand wrapped around my arm and take cautious steps

towards me.

Did he think I was diseased or something?

Did I look that odd to have him look at me so?

When he’s beside me, Xavier’s grip grows more firm. Something that has me questioning his actions.

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Clearing his throat, Rodrigo begins to speak with his eyes set on my scratches and not on anything else.

“It doesn’t look too deep or in need of stitches. A tad bit of alcohol will surely help and some bandaids.”

“This might sting a little _.”He trails unsurely and dabs some alcohol on the cotton ball. Giving his alpha a

cautious side eye, Rodrigo visibly lets out a breath before brushing the spirit on my scratches

Igasped at the sting, squeezing my eyes shut. But the action seemed to have upset the Alpha seeing as

a powerful growlo fanger filtered out of his mouth.

I peeled my cyes open quickly when Rodrigo began to plead, “I’m sorry Alpha. I didn’t mean to

My eyes quickly fall on the hand that held the cotton ball only to see that Xavier had brutally gripped it

tightly, stopping any further action

“You hurt her and I’ll kill you!” Xavier snarls. And it’s then I realized that the problem was me. I needed to

reassure him before he does something bad to that poor man who was only trying to help.

So swallowing my nerves and terror I whispered. “Alpha Xavier. It’s not his fault. He didn’t hurt me,”

My words had drawn his attention back to me and I was shocked to see that red had almost consumed

his eyes “He hurt


I shook my head. “No, he didn’t It’s okay, I’m fine,” I reassure, confused as to why I was trying to

reassure him I was okay s o badly or why his actions were just not adding up

Xavier stares at me for longer than necessary before nodding “Resume,” He demands Rodrigo

After Rodrigo was done, Xavier shifted his attention to the man and stared him down. “I need to have a

word with you outside Alone

Rodrigo nods at his Alpha’s words and turned around to leave i stared confused and slightly afraid of

where Rodrigo would throw away the ball with some of my blood. I let out a relieved sigh when he throws

it in the trash

“Stay here Aurora, Xavier demands, squeezing my waist slightly I’m shocked at the fluttering in my belly

and confused b y his actions

But I don’t voice them out, only nod to show that I would comply with his demand “Yes Alpha Xavier,” I
